Cold Heart

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Book: Cold Heart Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sheila Dryden
and it had been awhile since she had done that.
    “Okay Tucker, I think that’s all for now,” she said.
    Lexi turned to start walking back to Wildwood and he picked up his stick and trotted beside her. Once they got back she picked up Tucker’s bowls from the porch and went in and filled them. When she returned to the porch he was waiting and started eating immediately. Lexi went back inside and as she passed her phone she unplugged it and noted there were two more missed calls from Michael. She put it down without listening to see if there were any messages. She got herself a glass of wine and took up her usual spot on the bench on the porch. She wondered what Michael had said in the messages, then told herself that no, she didn’t care. It didn’t matter, they were done. He could not be trusted. She had a new life now and she felt good. She realized that she had missed lunch again but it had been a pretty productive day. Tucker came and lay down next to her. She said a silent thank you to Uncle Max for her new home and for Tucker.

    Lexi was about to go in and cook her dinner when an expensive sports car drove up. She sighed. Not another visitor. She was pretty sure she knew who it was because the winery logo on the door of the car was a dead giveaway. She was a little nervous after her conversation with Carter earlier. Surely they weren’t going to start pressuring her to sell. A tall, barrel chested man in an expensive suit pulled himself up and out of the vehicle and headed for the porch.
    “Trying out a sample of our wine?” he asked.
    “Well not actually. I already had this one open but I’m sure I will be soon,” Lexi said. “That was very kind of you.”
    “Geoff Montgomery,” he said extending his hand to her. Lexi shook it reluctantly.
    “Lexi Thomas,” she said.
    “Are you settled in?” he asked. His dark hair was greying at the temples and it highlighted his darkly tanned face.
    “Getting there,” she replied.
    “Good. Well we are having a little shindig on Saturday evening, thought I’d come down and invite you personally. It will give you a chance to meet some of your neighbours and some of the folks from town as well.”
    “Well thank you. I’m not much of a partier these days,” Lexi said.
    “Well it won’t be anything too fancy,” he said. “Food and wine and a little music starting about seven o’clock, so I hope you’ll think about coming.”
    “Thank you,” Lexi said. “I’ll think about it.”
    “So you planning on opening up this place to the public?” he asked.
    “Yes I am. It was my Uncle‘s dream. I intend to follow through on it.”
    “Well he told me he was going to sell it to me. We even talked about a number that he thought he could live with.”
    “Well the plans have changed and I’m not interested in selling Mr. Montgomery.”
    “Never say never,” he said, “sometimes things aren’t as easy as they look.”
    “Thanks for coming by,” said Lexi, anxious to be rid of this man. “Maybe I’ll see you Saturday.”
    “Alright then, I hope so,” Montgomery said. He walked down off the porch and over to his car, climbed in and drove away.
    “Liar,” Lexi said to Tucker. “I’m definitely not going to any party he’s throwing.”
    He was one of those pompous types Lexi thought. He was too darn sure of himself, for his own good. Well wouldn’t he get a surprise when she did get Wildwood up and running which she had every intention of doing just as soon as she possibly could. Her mood now spoiled, she decided on another glass of wine while she cooked a chicken breast and prepared a salad to go with it. To her delight Tucker decided he would follow her in to the kitchen and she rewarded him with a biscuit from the box on the counter.
    Lexi took her dinner out to the dining room and sat down. She replayed the conversation with Montgomery. Carter said Uncle Max was not selling the property. Surely if he was there would be some documentation about
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