Cold Heart

Cold Heart Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cold Heart Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sheila Dryden
Lexi said brushing a tear aside and wishing she hadn’t confided so much personal information to him.
    “Sure,” Carter said. “Just wanted to check on you and make sure everything was going okay with Tucker and all.”
    “Thanks, its fine,” Lexi said, feeling bad if she had sounded unfriendly. “It’s kind of nice having him here.” Tucker had come and sat down beside her and she was suddenly aware than she had been gently patting his head while she and Carter had been talking.
    “Yeah,” Carter said. “It looks like you two have hit it off just fine. Well I’ll be on my way. I can let myself out.”
    “Okay, bye,” Lexi said, then, trying to sound a little friendlier, added. “Thanks for coming by.”
    Tucker followed him out and then returned to the barn. Before going back to her cleaning Lexi made a call to the company that had helped her with the business plan she had done when she opened the deli. They agreed to get together in a couple of weeks. Someone from the firm would come up to the property and meet with her there. With that settled she went back to work and began cleaning all the surfaces in the kitchen but instead of thinking about all the exciting dishes she would like to put on the menu, which she might have been earlier, instead she was wondering who Uncle Max had been building Wildwood for and why Bert Beatty had lied about Uncle Max wanting to sell.
    Maybe Carter was wrong and Uncle Max had just recently decided to sell and hadn’t mentioned it to him. Just because he didn’t like Mr. Montgomery didn’t mean that they were being dishonest. Still, it was all a little puzzling and Lexi found she was thinking about it for most of the afternoon. She didn’t come up with any answers that made any sense. By three thirty she decided she’d had enough. She went upstairs to shower and it felt good. She was looking a lot more presentable when she came back downstairs at four. She went looking for Tucker and found him in his usual spot in the barn.
    “This can’t be much fun for a young dog like you Tucker.” Lexi said. She wondered how old Tucker actually was. She was assuming that he had been a puppy when Uncle Max had got him but she realized now that she didn’t really know. She would ask Carter the next time she saw him. In the meantime, maybe Tucker would go for a walk with her. She coaxed him up and he followed her out of the barn and she headed off to see if she could find the pond. Tucker followed along closely behind.
    She found the pond easily and was surprised to find it was quite large. Definitely large enough that you could have a few paddle boats or canoes for people to ride around in. There was even a little dock that went out about twenty feet or so into the pond. It might be nice to have a pathway that went around it. Perhaps a paved pathway and then it would be wheel chair accessible. She liked that idea. Lexi laughed at herself. She was going to have to be careful. She had quite a bit of money to put towards the upgrades but she would have it spent ten times over if she kept coming up with ideas.
    Tucker dropped a stick at her feet. She picked it up.
    “You want me to throw this?” she asked.
    Tucker barked. Lexi laughed and threw the stick as far out into the pond as she could. Tucker ran down the dock and leapt into the water swimming as fast as he could to the stick and grabbing it in his mouth. Then he swam to shore and brought it to Lexi and dropped it at her feet and proceeded to shake water all over her. Tucker began barking and backing away. When she picked up the stick, he started for the dock looking back several time to see if she was about to throw it. Lexi moved a little closer to the water this time and let it fly. Again Tucker dove in and retrieved the stick swimming to shore and bringing it right to her. This was repeated about ten times until Lexi was nearly soaked from Tucker’s shaking and her arm felt like it might fall off. She was laughing though
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