Cold Deception

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Book: Cold Deception Read Online Free PDF
Author: D.B. Tait
streets of Katoomba at high speed with pinned pupils and a car reeking of dope. Especially at six o’clock in the morning after being up all night with that pathetic excuse for a boyfriend. What did I say about him?”
    “Fuck off, Dylan! He’s not a drug dealer! You had no right to arrest him.”
    “Blossom. Stop it! Go inside. I’ll deal with this.” Julia grabbed her and pushed her into the hallway. The guy was a cop. In plain clothes but a cop nonetheless. Great. Just great.
    She turned back to him. Attack first. Get him off center. “What are you arresting her for? She’s not going anywhere without a solicitor.”
    “Oh, for Christ’s sake. I’m not arresting her.” He pushed his fingers through his dark hair, making it stand on end. Exasperation radiated from him. “Although God knows, I probably should. This is the last time, though. She’s rapidly using up any sympathy the town has for her.” He paused. “You must be Julia. I heard you were out.”
    A chill slid down her back as his eyes raked her from head to toe. Flinty gray eyes, cold and sharp.
    “I’m sure you did. So if you’re not arresting her, thanks for delivering her home. We’ll take it from here.” She started to close the door, but the cop moved forward, into the doorway.
    “Some people think you’re a hero,” he said in a voice of ice. “I don’t. Especially since playing God hasn’t worked out so well for the rest of your family. But I doubt you thought of that when you decided to be judge, jury, and executioner.”
    She stood stock still. A rock. She was a cold, hard rock that no words could pierce. Not for one moment would she give him the satisfaction of seeing a reaction. That was reserved for the night, when minute after tortuous minute she allowed herself to be punished, reliving again and again the look of agony on her mother’s face when she was taken to the cells. Then Dee cried out, a piercing wail that haunted her nightmares. Along with the blood, all the red blood…
    He was tall. Suffocatingly tall. He towered over her while she fought not to panic at the sight of all that muscle. He could crush her with one fist. Just one well aimed blow to her belly, just like that first night in the cells…
    Her skin prickled with heat then cold, while a roaring noise in her head blocked out whatever else he said. The coppery smell of blood was in the air. She gripped the door frame, willing herself to stop shaking.
    Breathe. There is enough oxygen. Breathe in and out. Concentrate on the breath.
    He stepped back. “Are you okay?”
    She nodded. “Perfectly fine,” she gasped. “Thank you for asking. Your concern for me and my family is touching. Now if you’re not arresting any of us, go away.”
    She could hear the chaos behind her through the pounding blood in her brain. Eleanor was yelling at Blossom who was wailing as if she was being pierced by a thousand arrows.
    “But I didn’t do anything, Ma,” she screamed.
    Dee pushed past them to the front door. “What happened, Dylan?”
    His eyes softened at the sight of the older woman. “I’m sorry, Dee. The usual. We got a call from the hotel down at Echo Point that someone was doing wheelies there. Blossom and Rez were off their faces when we arrived. He’s still down at the station but he’ll be released soon. He’ll have to appear in court in about a month.”
    “And Blossom?”
    “I won’t charge her this time, Dee. She wasn’t driving and didn’t have any drugs on her. But this is the last time. She needs help. I know she’s had a lot to contend with…” he glanced at Julia… “but this has to stop. She’s going to hurt herself which is bad enough, but I can’t stand by while she hurts other people.”
    Dee’s shoulders sagged. “Okay, okay. Thanks, Dylan. You’re a good friend.” To Julia’s amazement she leaned forward and hugged the cop, who enfolded her in his big arms.
    “Send her off to Doc Sinclair,” the cop said as he broke the
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