number of photographs; adjusting his tripod as he took in the panorama. Grace recognised the cameraman as Duncan Wroe the Force’s very experienced civilian SOCO manager.
A few feet from the edge of the quay two wet suited police frogman controlled their rubber dinghy whilst another was slipping beneath the surface; a burst of air bubbles from his breathing apparatus frothed the surface signifying his descent. Grace guessed that directly beneath there was where the body had been discovered and the Underwater Search Unit was now trying to haul it up safely from its silted grave.
At the lake’s edge a uniform sergeant was briefing her team instructing them before they carried out an initial search of the area. By the picnic benches next to the country park reception centre Grace spotted two other divers. The female of the two was seated on one of the benches doubled-up, her fair-haired head being supported in her hands. The male, with tanned complexion and short crew cut hair, stood over her, resting a hand on her shoulder. From the phone call Grace had picked up at the office an hour ago she guessed that these were the two divers who had found the corpse. She reached inside her jacket, excavated her warrant card and slipped it into her breast pocket.
Let them know girl that you’re in charge .
Hunter had handed her the mantle of Acting Sergeant whilst he was away and she was going to show she could handle it. She took in a deep breath at the same time taking in all the details of the scene; determining inside her head who was doing what and what remained to be done. Gathering her thoughts, slowly she exhaled and turned to Mike. “I’m guessing those two are the ones who’ve found the body,” she said pointing in the direction of the man and woman occupying the benches. “You go and have a word with them and I’ll go and have a word with uniform and also see what SOCO have got for us.”
Grace watched Mike Sampson scrutinising the slim, faired haired girl, presently kneading her eyes.
“Now that’s how I like my women – dressed head to toe in black rubber.” He winked at Grace .
“Mike!” Grace fixed him with her warm burnt umber eyes.
“What is it with you men? A bloody murder scene and you’re still thinking of sex.”
“That’s just my way of dealing with a crisis ma’am,” he quipped mockingly and cracked a grin.
“Go on, bugger off and see what they have to say.”
Mike spun on his heels tugging the sleeves of his oversized jacket away from his pudgy fingers.
She knew it was a perpetual habit of his. From her time working with him she had become aware that Mike had bought his jackets several sizes larger than his chest measurement, in order to fit over his barrel shaped paunch. This meant that the sleeves were long than his arms and therefore partly covered his hands.
“Oh, and Mike,” she shouted towards him.
He spun around.
“Don’t start playing pocket billiards whilst you’re interviewing her.”
“I shall ensure my afflictions are kept under control at all times Acting Sergeant Marshall,” he retorted in an exaggerated tone, as he left her side.
Grace smiled to herself. Despite Mike being the joker in the pack she knew that when he was given a task he always approached it as the consummate professional.
By the time Grace had reached Duncan Wroe, the SOCO manager had removed his camera from its tripod and was manually aiming its wide lens in the direction of the frogmen. There was still no sign of the body being brought to the surface.
“What have you got for me Duncan?” asked Grace striding towards him.
The SOCO manager spun around, taking his eyes away from the viewfinder. “Oh hi Grace, I saw you arrive but I was busy.”
With his sharp features, unruly hair and regular unshaven face, Duncan Wroe’s outward image depicted anything but the sharp minded and experienced forensic specialist that he was. Fortunately for Grace any prejudices she had
Clive Cussler, Paul Kemprecos
Janet Morris, Chris Morris