Cold April

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Book: Cold April Read Online Free PDF
Author: Phyllis A. Humphrey
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
    “ The idea of a career appeals to me, but so does marriage.” A tiny smile pulled up the corners of her lips. Just because a career might not have been an option for women a hundred years earlier, didn’t mean she wanted to forsake marriage altogether.
    Her father seemed to read her mind. “You mustn’t take care of everyone else’s needs except your own. You don’t want to wake up some morning, when the last of your siblings has finally flown the nest, to discover you’re forty and not married.”
    “ You’re right. You and Mum have a good marriage, and I’d like a handsome, loving husband just like you.”
    He laughed out loud.
    “ And a few—not too many—children of my own.”
    “ So we shall miss you, but I believe the best thing for you to do is stay in America as long as you like. You have my blessing, and I’ll break the news to your mother. At least I’ll try to keep her from crying for the next two weeks, until you’re safely in New York.”
    * * *
    On Wednesday morning, April tenth, Beth’s parents went with her to Southampton to see her off. On her previous trip to New York with the Wheatlys, they’d left from Liverpool, much farther from London. Until a year or so before, it served as the main gateway between England and America. Now a new, larger dock at Southampton handled the larger ships of the White Star Line, while smaller ones continued to take huge numbers of immigrants to the “new world” from Liverpool.
    From Southampton the ship would go to Cherbourg in France to pick up more passengers and then make a brief stop at Queenstown in Ireland before heading for open sea. Nevertheless, this departure was the beginning of the voyage. The very thought thrilled her with excitement. She kissed her parents goodbye; then, waving her handkerchief all the while, she climbed the gangplank to the deck.
    The thought that she might not see them for a long time made her midriff tighten, but this twinge of sadness was soon crowded out by excitement over the adventure ahead. A bright sun shone, colorful banners waved in the slight breeze, and the voices of eager travelers filled her ears. She felt as if she were beginning her life all over again.
    As previously arranged, she met her traveling companions on board the ship in the first-class reception area. Richard approached almost as soon as she arrived. Once again, in spite of a bit of pique about his snobbishness, she admired his youthful good looks, cobalt-blue eyes, and clean-shaven jaw. For the past two weeks, she’d begun thinking of him as Richard, not Mr. Graham, and she smiled a welcome.
    Kathleen’s long blonde curls escaped from a pretty beribboned hat. Her matching ruffled dress ended at her knees, showing white stockings and tiny boots. She held her father’s hand and clutched a doll against her chest.
    Beth took the doll’s hand in hers. “How are you today, Miss Toby? I hope you’ll enjoy sailing on the big ship.”
    Kathleen giggled and glanced at her father, as if sharing the joke with him.
    Richard studied his boarding card. “It appears our staterooms are on B Deck. We can meet there later, if you like. I’m going to take Kathleen outside to watch us cast off and wave goodbye to the crowds.”
    “ There are a lot of onlookers, aren’t there?”
    “ I’m not surprised. This is somewhat of a special occasion, it being the ship’s maiden voyage.”
    He led them out onto the deck once more and Beth felt momentarily as if they were a family—father, mother and daughter. People had often assumed so when they visited the zoo and Hyde Park, but she would have to banish these thoughts. The chances of this union happening were about the same, she supposed, as the ship going down at sea. In other words, nil. In fact, she might never have a young family of her own. At least, not with Richard—some other man perhaps.
    They reached a spot with a good view of the crowds on the dock below. After waving her
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