Cobra Alliance-Cobra War Book 1

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Book: Cobra Alliance-Cobra War Book 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Timothy Zahn
Tags: Science-Fiction
problem anyway. There were just too many people in the civilized regions of Aventine who disliked or feared the Cobras, and who would grasp at any straw that might lead to their ultimate elimination.
    Still, even if the visiting bulgebrains never had the right answers, they could always be counted on for a good dog-and-puppy show. Belain waxed bafflegabbily poetic about the capabilities of his new guns, with plenty of reasons why they were so much better than the efforts of those who had gone before. Lorne listened with half an ear, trying to put the image of maimed parents out of his mind.
    At least that latter task was made a little easier when, midway through the briefing, his comm keyed in with a message: Merrick was inviting the whole family to Uncle Corwin's estate for dinner. That was a good sign, Lorne knew—if they were gathering at the Island instead of the hospital, his parents must genuinely be doing all right.
    Finally, after ten interminable minutes, Belain ran out of superlatives and wind. "All right, Cobras, listen up," Ishikuma said. "As you know, the usual procedure is to start these things in the practice cage. However, Dr. Belain has requested something a little more realistic, so we're going to head to Sutter's Creek and the glade where Dushan Matavuli reported signs of a way station. Questions? Then get to the transports—we're taking One and Three. Broom, stand clear a moment."
    Silently, the Cobras got out of their chairs and headed for the door. Belain and his civilians joined the stream, their new superweapons resting in the crooks of their elbows and pointing proudly at the ceiling. Lorne stayed out of the crowd, and as the last of the group vanished out the door, Ishikuma left the table and came over to him. "I hear there was some problem at the Sun Center this afternoon," the commandant said.
    "Yes, sir," Lorne confirmed. "But my mother says she and Dad are all right."
    "The aftermath film looked pretty nasty," Ishikuma said, watching Lorne's face closely. "I also hear that you've arranged with Sumara to take the first half of your weekend shift."
    "Yes, sir, I have," Lorne said, wondering how the hell Ishikuma always knew so much about everything. He must have the whole station wired. "He said he'd log it for me."
    "I'm sure he will once we're back from this exercise," Ishikuma said. "Meanwhile, you're dismissed. Check out an aircar and get your tail to Capitalia."
    "Thank you, sir," Lorne said, briefly fighting the temptation to salute, turn around, and obey the orders he'd just been given. "But we're going on a hunt. I need to be there."
    Ishikuma snorted. "This may come as a shock, Cobra Broom, but we were doing just fine out here before you came along, and we'll do equally well after you leave. We'll handle the hunt. You get to Capitalia and check on your parents."
    "I appreciate the offer, sir," Lorne said. "I'll head out as soon as the hunt is over."
    For a moment Ishikuma eyed him. "As you wish, Cobra Broom," he said. "Get to your transport."
    It was a ten-minute trip to the Matavuli spread and the section of Sutter's Creek where the rancher had spotted the spine leopard way station. Sumara and Werle put the transports down on the nearest halfway-reasonable landing area, and the group headed in.
    "Did the local who reported this way station mention its size?" Belain asked quietly as the group walked through the tall grass and thickening woods toward the sound of running water. He was holding his gun in a more or less horizontal position, swinging it gently back and forth in a thirty-degree arc. All four of the civilians were doing that, and the Cobras had responded by fanning out mostly behind and beside them in hopes of staying out of their lines of fire.
    It wasn't simply paranoia. Two Cobras over in Donyang Province had been seriously hurt three months ago by a different group of bulgebrains and their weapons.
    "He didn't get close enough for a good look," Ishikuma said from
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