Clockwork Angels: Comic Script
Updated edition.
    Includes events as recent as last week.
    PANEL 5
    Small panel. Owen looks at the book, open to the title page. His expression is wistful.
    My mother had a lot of books …
    Someday I’ll sit down and read all about how the Watchmaker created the Stability, made Albion safe and prosperous.
    PANEL 6
    Another trio of Regulators marches by as Owen glances up at them. These Regulators show that there’s a lot of security here.
    But for now, I have the rest of Crown City to see …
    All is for the best.
    PAGE 3
    PANEL 1
    A frumpy woman is trying on hats spread out on a street table in front of a haberdasher shop, preening in front of a display mirror. She is stocky, wearing a black coat, trying on a black pillbox hat. NOTE—draw her to look like the weeping woman on the front of the Moving Pictures cover. The store front behind the display table has the sign “WATCHMAKER’S OFFICIAL HABERDASHER #11.” The haberdasher is an old man with wrinkled face and wispy beard. He extends a bright scarlet hat toward her.
    Those styles are fine, Madam, but THIS one matches your outfit best … this lovely BLUE hat.
    Ahh … blue?
    PANEL 2
    Close-up of the haberdasher’s face to show white, milky, obviously BLIND eyes surrounded by wrinkles.
    Oh yes, Madam. The Watchmaker chose me for this profession. It is my particular skill.
    Trust me in this, you look beautiful.
    PANEL 3
    The frumpy woman turns and starts to walk away, adjusting the scarlet hat on her head, looking very happy. Owen is in the panel, watching, curious.
    Very well, all is for the best.
    PANEL 4
    Owen is startled as the blind haberdasher turns toward him and extends a finger, pointing not quite at Owen.
    And you, young man—a porkpie hat, I think. Yes, a porkpie hat.
    I … do need a hat. I left mine back home in Barrel Arbor.
    PANEL 5
    Owen takes the gray porkpie hat, two shot of Owen and the old haberdasher, whose wrinkled eyes are completely closed.
    But … you’re blind. How did you know I need a hat if you can’t see?
    Because I expected you to come. How else could I do my business?
    PANEL 6
    Owen places the cap on his head, looks proud and pleased, even cocky.
    I think it’s just right.
    PAGE 4
    PANEL 1
    A crowd of people on a side street, gathered there to watch some kind of show. Owen pushes his way, trying to see what they are all looking at. In front of the crowd stands a dapper man in a black bowler hat. (Note, he is the man on the cover of Hemispheres .)
    What is it?
    Presenting, the inaugural performance of Dr. Russell’s Fabulous Clockwork Percussor!
    Let us make a joyful noise!
    PANEL 2
    Spectacular panel showing the robotic steampunk drummer, wisps of steam creeping up from various joints and pipes. See “The Percussor” 3D animation from concerts, made by Tandem Digital.
    PANEL 3
    Tiny panel, Dr. Russell’s hand turns a crank to release steam.
    Nick, see the animation. Several panels showing the wild robot drummer, large panels, small panels, to demonstrate the frenzy. (I wish I had an extra page to work with, but fill the rest of the page with the performance.) At some point in the crowd, either in Panel 1 above or here, include the father and two kids who are on the cover of Moving Pictures .
    PAGE 5
    PANEL 1
    Crack in the glass case, and steam gushes out.
    PANEL 2
    Dr. Russell frantically twists knobs, shutting the thing down.
    Oh … oh! Sorry, a little too energetic.
    PANEL 3
    The Percussor slumps as Dr. Russell grins at the crowd. Owen is staring, delighted.
    We will be back for an encore as soon as I make a few minor adjustments and repairs.
    PANEL 4
    Owen grins, walking down the street toward a set of stone arches, like the ones on the front cover of Moving Pictures . Regulators stand
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