Claws of the Dragon
and was eyeing every detail of Bayzog’s home. He stood with his back to the fireplace adjacent to the sofa. “Horrible construction. Looks like elves did it. I’m surprised it survived the war.”
    “I’m surprised you survived the war,” Bayzog retorted.
    “Watch yer mouth, part-elf.”
    Bayzog shook his head and faced Nath and Ben, who were both sitting at the table. Sasha was back sitting at the table too. She had a smile on her face as she hummed and prepared a tray of food. She brought each man a plate.
    “Thanks, Sasha,” Nath said.
    “Yes, thanks,” Ben added with a courteous nod.
    Brenwar frowned at his plate full of fruit, pastries, and cheeses. “Haven’t you any meat?”
    Sasha giggled and patted him on his head. “Of course. Anything for you, Brenwar, but that comes later.”
    Bayzog cleared his throat. “Ahem. If you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss the business at hand.”
    “I’m not stopping you.” Brenwar sniffed a handful of purple grapes. His face soured, and he set the plate down. He walked over and climbed up on a stool at the study table and shoved away the floating books that blocked his face. “Go on.”
    With a studious look on his face, Bayzog said, “The good news is that I have found some history of the wurmers. And like many insects, it seems they all function on the order of a queen.”
    Nath nodded. Selene had already alluded to how the wurmers were more of an insect-like culture that built hives and had nests. “I’ve seen their nests first hand. And we’ve destroyed some of them. I would think we must have destroyed the queen that was in there too.”
    “Which brings me to the bad news,” Bayzog said. “According to the histories, the last queen—their true queen—was never found and killed.”
    Leaning forward on the table, Ben asked, “So what does that mean?”
    “It means there are wurmers we know of—Selene has discovered those—and then there are those we don’t know of.”
    “You mean there are even more?” Ben asked. He looked at Dragon. “Those things are hard to kill.”
    Bayzog continued. “I’d say it’s highly likely that the queen has been hiding. Possibly hibernating.” His face turned grim. “And if I were to guess, she’s been laying eggs for centuries. And if I were a titan, I’d be trying to find them, wake them up, and turn them loose.”
    “And what if that happens?” Sasha asked.
    Bayzog’s reply was devastating. “They’ll blanket Nalzambor like a plague of enormous insects.”

    The atmosphere was solemn in the picturesque room. Everyone’s face was long and silent. Again, Bayzog broke the silence. “This isn’t all on our shoulders, Nath. The rest of the world will help out as well. This affects everyone’s lives, not just our own.”
    “I know. Sometimes good allies are hard to come by, but I know I can always count on my friends.” Nath stretched out his long-clawed hands and squeezed Ben and Brenwar’s shoulders on either side of him. “Right?”
    Ben was looking away and whistling.
    “Ben?” Nath said again.
    “Only joking, Dragon. You know that. I’m always with you. It’s just that I’m heavily committed to rebuilding this city. I have people here counting on me. You know, I don’t just sit around and wait for adventure to come and get me. I have responsibilities. And I need to be here to protect this city. I hope you understand.”
    Taken aback, Nath said, “Uh, Ben, I feel foolish. And I certainly didn’t mean to make you feel that you were required to come along. None of you need to feel obligated. I only meant that I know I can always count on you.”
    “And we you, Nath,” Sasha said. She slipped in behind him and gave him a hug. “That’s why I’m coming with you.”
    Nath’s gaze froze on Bayzog’s widening eyes.
    Oh my!
    “Now, Sasha,” Bayzog stammered. “We can’t leave. Not now.”
    “Oh, you can stay. I’m going,” she said, petting Nath’s
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