Claudia, Wife of Pontius Pilate: A Novel

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Book: Claudia, Wife of Pontius Pilate: A Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diana Wallis Taylor
Tags: FIC042040, FIC042030, FIC027050
doll, a feather, a leather ball, and small wooden blocks with letters on the sides.
    The chain and ring slipped outside of Claudia’s tunic.
    Hotep’s eyes grew wide when she saw them. “This is very beautiful.”
    “It was a gift . . . from my mother.” She unclasped the chain and reluctantly placed it in the chest, under the doll. It would be safer there.
    Hotep opened a panel in the wall to reveal a room with a mosaictile bath and white, thick linen by the steaming water, then helped her out of her travel garments.
    As she luxuriated in the warm bath, Claudia realized that the emperor had provided all this for her comfort. She was to become his ward and he would arrange a marriage for her. She tried to feel grateful, but sorrow filled her heart. Could she ever forgive him for what he had done?
    After a brief time of rest, she rose to prepare for dinner. When she was dressed to Hotep’s satisfaction, she sat at a dressing table in the same room. Hotep not only arranged her hair so it beautifully framed her face, but added a small tiara.
    “You are beautiful. The emperor shall be pleased.”
    Embarrassed, Claudia changed the subject. “When did you become a slave, Hotep?”
    The girl seemed startled by the question. Perhaps no one ever asked. She closed her eyes a moment before answering. “I was taken from my parents in Egypt when I was eight. My mother and brothers were somewhere on the ship, but I never saw them again. I think my father is dead.”
    Claudia looked toward the window, the pain still so fresh. “I was taken from my mother too. She was dying.”
    “But you are not a slave.”
    “No, but my life will be controlled by the emperor. He will marry me off to the man he chooses to favor and I will have no say.”
    Claudia turned and regarded her servant earnestly. “I have never had a friend, Hotep, and I am in need of one.”
    “I belong to you, Dominilla, but if it is your wish, I shall be your friend.” She sighed. “One needs friends in this palace of shadows.”
    Someone knocked at the door and Hotep hurried to open it. Claudia expected Milo to be waiting to take her to the emperor’s dining room. Felix leaped from his bed, barking furiously and snarling at the intruder. It was Sejanus.
    Felix had never attacked anyone before. The eyes of the prefect flashed with anger. He kicked out with his foot, but Felix was too quick. He jumped out of his way.
    “Take this animal away, now!”
    Hotep grabbed the dog and retreated to the back of the room, trying her best to still the barking.
    Sejanus took Claudia’s arm, none too gently, pulling her into the hall and firmly closing the door.
    Claudia’s heart pounded. The last thing she wanted to do was anger Sejanus.

    H e stalked down the hall and she had to hurry to keep up with him. Finally he stopped and studied her. He was a formidable figure due to his height and build. He looked almost regal in his formal white toga with a border of purple denoting his high rank.
    “Quite a transformation,” he finally said. “Not a child, a woman. The emperor will be pleased.”
    “It does not matter if I please him.” In spite of her resolve to hold her tongue, the words from her heart slipped out.
    Sejanus stopped suddenly and she quailed inside at the anger in his face.
    “Beware of what you say, Claudia Procula. The walls have ears for treasonous words. Do not presume to speak your mind when you feel like it. It is dangerous.”
    His eyes glittered and bore into hers, causing her to shudder. She had spoken foolishly. “I—I’m sorry, my lord. The emperor made me leave my home and my mother—and she is dying. I don’t understand how the emperor could do such a thing.”
    He stepped back, judging the sincerity of her words. “The emperor can do what he pleases and he does not have to give a reason. You will be forgiven this time, for you are no doubt weary from your travels. Be grateful you are here. The emperor has chosen to be
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