Clarissa Harlowe or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 5

Clarissa Harlowe or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 5 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Clarissa Harlowe or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 5 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samuel Richardson
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before I can proceed; as you will judge when you hear it.
    Lovel. What, pray, Sir, is your question?
    Capt. Briefly, whether you are actually, and bonâ fide, married to Miss
Clarissa Harlowe?
    I started, and, in a haughty tone, is this, Sir, a question that must be answered before you can proceed in the business you have undertaken?
    I mean no offence, Mr. Lovelace. Mr. Harlowe sought to me to undertake this office. I have daughters and nieces of my own. I thought it a good office, or I, who have many considerable affairs upon my hands, had not accepted of it. I know the world; and will take the liberty to say, that if the young lady--
    Captain Tomlinson, I think you are called?
    My name is Tomlinson.
    Why then, Tomlinson, no liberty, as you call it, will be taken well, that is not extremely delicate, when that lady is mentioned.
    When you had heard me out, Mr. Lovelace, and had found I had so behaved, as to make the caution necessary, it would have been just to have given it.--Allow me to say, I know what is due to the character of a woman of virtue, as well as any man alive.
    Why, Sir! Why, Captain Tomlinson, you seem warm. If you intend any thing by this, [O how I trembled! said the lady, when she took notice of this part of our conversation afterwards,] I will only say, that this is a privileged place. It is at present my home, and an asylum for any gentleman who thinks it worth his while to inquire after me, be the manner or end of his inquiry what it will.
    I know not, Sir, that I have given occasion for this. I make no scruple to attend you elsewhere, if I am troublesome here. I was told, I had a warm young gentleman to deal with: but as I knew my intention, and that my commission was an amicable one, I was the less concerned about that. I am twice your age, Mr. Lovelace, I dare say: but I do assure you, that if either my message or my manner gives you offence, I can suspend the one or the other for a day, or for ever, as you like. And so, Sir, any time before eight tomorrow morning, you will let me know your further commands.--And was going to tell me where he might be found.
    Captain Tomlinson, said I, you answer well. I love a man of spirit. Have you not been in the army?
    I have, Sir; but have turned my sword into a ploughshare, as the scripture has it,--[there was a clever fellow, Jack!--he was a good man with somebody, I warrant! O what a fine coat and cloke for an hypocrite will a text of scripture, properly applied, make at any time in the eyes of the pious!--how easily are the good folks taken in!]--and all my delight, added he, for some years past, has been in cultivating my paternal estate. I love a brave man, Mr. Lovelace, as well as ever I did in my life. But let me tell you, Sir, that when you come to my time of life, you will be of opinion, that there is not so much true bravery in youthful choler, as you may now think there is.
    A clever fellow again, Belford!--Ear and heart, both at once, he took in my charmer!--'Tis well, she says, there are some men who have wisdom in their anger.
    Well, Captain, that is reproof for reproof. So we are upon a footing. And now give me the pleasure of hearing the import of your commission.
    Sir, you must first allow me to repeat my question: Are you really, and bonâ fide, married to Miss Clarissa Harlowe? or are you not yet married?
    Bluntly put, Captain. But if I answer that I am, what then?
    Why then, Sir, I shall say, that you are a man of honour.
    That I hope I am, whether you say it or not, Captain Tomlinson.
    Sir, I will be very frank in all I have to say on this subject--Mr. John Harlowe has lately found out, that you and his niece are both in the same lodgings; that you have been long so; and that the lady was at the play with you yesterday was se'nnight; and he hopes that you are actually married. He has indeed heard that you are; but as he knows your enterprising temper, and that you have declared, that you disdain a relation to their family, he is willing by
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