City of Silence (City of Mystery)

City of Silence (City of Mystery) Read Online Free PDF

Book: City of Silence (City of Mystery) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kim Wright
fully functioning unit.
Emma’s statement is quite right,” said Tom. “The change in modality seems a
major clue to something or another, although right now I can’t think what.  The
first two times, yes, he steps from the train, finds his victim, and does the
deed.  But then what?  He must wait around the town avoiding detection, until
the next train arrives?  It hardly seems a sensible plan, especially in light
of the fact he is a rapist, not a murderer.  His victim is presumably left quite
capable of running about shrieking out her story, alerting both the police and
any nearby brothers or husbands with a pitchfork.  How long would he have to
smiled slightly.  The debates of Tuesday night were rapidly becoming his
favorite part of the week.  “Quite good, Tom and Emma, for this is precisely
the first part of the puzzle the Scotland police latched upon.  The trains run
an hour apart in the mornings and early evenings when workers are commuting to
and fro from Aberdeen, but makes only two stops at this particular small depot
in the afternoon.  One of them is scheduled at 1:25, the other at 2:40.  From
there, the next train does not pass until 5:15.”
that is most likely the reason he changed his methodology,” said Emma. 
the women who were attacked from the train too, Sir?” Davy asked.  “Or did they
live in the town where the crimes occurred?”
reasonable question, Davy,” Trevor said.  “But a bit premature.  I shall give
you particulars about the victims in a minute, but for now let’s stick to the
question of how our criminal was using the trains.”
my notion,” said Emma.  “The first two times he gets off the train in the
afternoon, finding a deserted depot and a town full of women, most of the men
either having long since commuted to work in the factories or else they’re
laboring out in the fields.  He finds his victim, rapes her, and is left, just
as Tom suggests, with a sizable wait before the next train.  I am happy to say
that I don’t know how long it takes for an assault of this nature to be
instigated and concluded, but I can’t imagine it would fill a block of time
between 1:25 and 2:40.”  She glanced around the circle, but the four men
provided no further illumination, so she shrugged and continued.  “Once the act
is finished, our man must hide and somehow find a way to safely avoid detection
until he can catch the next train.  But this is risky in the extreme.  They say
that most women who are so attacked do not confess it, but if either of the
first two women he raped had happened to tell, then Tom is quite right.   He
would have the whole village around his ears within minutes.  People swarming
about in pursuit of him and most obviously looking around the depot, the train
being the only swift and anonymous way a stranger would have of getting out of
Rayley said, taking off his glasses and blowing forcefully on the lenses.  He
had been in Paris when Emma had joined the group and initially he had been
skeptical about the contributions a schoolmaster’s daughter could bring to the
world of crime.  But Emma had continued to impress him, one Tuesday night after
the next.
so,” said Tom. “He has some sort of close call after the second rape perhaps,
so he changes his methodology.  This time he gets off of the train at some
earlier time and hides before the rape, rather than after.  He bides his time
until he knows a train is due, then commits the rape and swiftly boards the
train.  He’s on his way well before his victim has time to alert her
townspeople, if indeed she is inclined to do so.” 
his mere presence would be alarming,” Rayley said.  “He’s already raped two
women, who certainly know his face.  Might he not encounter one of them, as
he’s strolling about the limited streets of this tiny burg?  A strange man in a
city of women
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