Church of Chains

Church of Chains Read Online Free PDF

Book: Church of Chains Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sean O'Kane
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
one wall and to the onlookers’ horror she was lifted by her feet until her head hung some four feet off the ground, her arms hanging helplessly down and her legs spread wide apart. Paula could now appreciate the design of the boots; attached by so many straps to the bar they would distribute the weight so that there was no interruption of the blood supply. She could hang there for a long time.
    The girl began to scream in earnest now but no-one paid any attention. Two brothers selected whips furnished with a score of lashes about two feet long and placed themselves in front of and behind their victim who was now writhing frantically.
    “Beat her until she attains the silence of submission,” Father Burton said calmly.
    The girl spat the vilest stream of abuse at him that Paula had ever heard from a female but then the punishment began.
    Unhurriedly and keeping to a steady rhythm the brothers laid on the lashes. Because of the weight of the whips’ cords each impact made the girl’s body swing helplessly. She grunted at each heavy, smacking impact and tried in vain to twist and shield herself. At first her body only swung a little and for a long time she kept up her tirade. But slowly it faded into screams as the whips cracked down relentlessly leaving welts across her breasts and stomach, back and buttocks. Her body began to swing in larger arcs now. Paula tried to count the lashes but winced and lost track at about thirty when the whips began to lash the opened sex, leaving red marks on the insides of the thighs which became more and more livid as the punishment went on. Paula felt her stomach churn at the thought of those lashes slamming into the soft flesh of a female sex, mashing the labia against the delicate skin within and biting up between the buttocks to sting at the secret opening of the anus. At first the girl tried to get her hands up to shield herself but the remorseless beating sapped her energy and soon she was hanging helplessly again. At last the screams became pleas for mercy and then the girl, who was swinging like a pendulum now from one bout of pain to the next, was only whimpering, and finally there was silence. One of the men lowered her to the ground where she lay in a motionless heap. A bucket of cold water was thrown over her and she spluttered and stirred.
    Hauling her up by her arms and dragging her on her knees, two of the men brought her to Father Burton. He bent down and grabbed a handful of hair, yanking her limp head back until she was staring up at him.
    “You have no rights here. And the only law is God’s law, before which you stand condemned. Understand? Now be still and obey or you will return here for further correction.”
    Father Burton smiled grimly as the girl managed a tiny nod. “Display her outside the cells for the rest of the day,” he continued to the brothers and they dragged her away.
    Now Father Burton turned his attention to the terrified group who had witnessed the savagery of the punishment. He smiled bleakly. “Welcome to the Purification Class.”



    Chapter 3
    “You are here to be punished and reformed,” Father Burton went on. “Or as we prefer, rescued and redeemed. By your vile actions you have reduced men whom God decreed to be your masters, to the status of paying customers. You have taken what God gave you freely and made men pay for it. And the lure of the money involved in your filthy trade has brought lawlessness and sin onto the streets.
    “Here you will be purified. You will be returned to your true selves and find again the joy of giving yourselves freely to your masters. And you will find joy in discovering how many ways you can please them. But you will suffer. Because it is only through suffering that true purification and redemption can be gained.
    “All over the country our beloved Patriarch is setting up monasteries like this which will purify all those parts of our society which have become corrupt. We are but a
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