Chocolates for Breakfast

Chocolates for Breakfast Read Online Free PDF

Book: Chocolates for Breakfast Read Online Free PDF
Author: Pamela Moore
got a lot to live for. I’ve got myself, and that’s the most worth living for. I don’t die when somebody leaves me. I go on.”
    â€œYou talk all right but you live like a coward.”
    â€œWhat the hell are you trying to do to me? Make me mad at you?”
    â€œYes, I’m trying to make you mad enough to come back to life.”
    â€œOkay, go on. What do you mean, ‘come back to life’?” Courtney said soberly.
    â€œI mean do your schoolwork, for one thing. No one is a bigger goof-off than I am, but there are some things that have to be done. And make some sort of effort to talk to people. You can’t talk to Miss Rosen any more, so talk to other people. Alberts and Clarke, for example. They’re all right, really they are. I enjoy talking to them. You’ve cut yourself off and that would be all right if you were happy that way, but you’re not.”
    â€œOkay, I’ll try. I’ll go up there tomorrow afternoon. But are you sure that they want to talk to me?”
    â€œOf course, sweetie. They like you, I know that they do because we’ve talked about you. They would have been good friends of yours if you had given them half a chance, if you hadn’t run to Miss Rosen instead.”
    â€œOkay, I’ll do that, then. Because I’d really like to.”
    â€œMaybe this will be a good thing for you, this Miss Rosen thing. That was the kind of un-Regsman behavior that kept you out of the clique, you know. Everyone’s got to be regular and conform. Maybe if you let these kids know that you’d really like them for friends, you’d have a chance to be editor of the Lit next year.”
    â€œI don’t have much chance for that. Mlle. de Labry is the faculty advisor and has to pass on the editor, and she hates my guts ever since she was trying to pump me on some gossip column bit about Mummy and Nick’s divorce, and I told her to go to hell. In those words,” she mused. “I’m amazed she didn’t give me a conduct for disrespect.”
    â€œIf the board really wanted you, you could get on. She couldn’t veto it if you really got a good vote.”
    â€œOh, that cruddy publication is only a mechanism of social approval.”
    â€œSour grapes.”
    â€œI know. I’d love to get on. Do you really think I could?”
    â€œI don’t know the criteria for social success in the clique that runs this school,” Janet said. “But becoming friendly with Alberts and Clarke would help. You know, they’re great buddies of Fairchild, and since she’s this year’s editor she has a lot to say about next year’s.”
    â€œActually I’d love to get in with that group because there are a lot of kids in it that I like. But I’m not used to talking to people my own age much.”
    â€œI know, you never even see any boys. That’s too bad, because if you did this Miss Rosen wouldn’t mean so much to you.”
    â€œTell me,” Janet said, “has a boy ever really kissed you?”
    Courtney grinned.
    â€œThis New Year’s Eve, at that party they gave for Mummy, this crazy actor kissed me. Really kissed me. He was kind of tight.”
    Janet laughed. “What do you mean, ‘really kissed you’?”
    â€œYou know, with the tongue and all that bit. I really flipped.”
    â€œSweetie, that’s great!” Janet grinned. “Your first French kiss. Oh, that’s really funny. I mean, I can see you flip.”
    â€œHe was this male-lead type, and he was really drunk out of his head.” Courtney was beginning to enjoy herself as she talked about it.
    â€œHas anybody ever made a pass at you?”
    â€œOh, you know, all the remarks about the beautiful young body and the Hollywood greeting of an embrace.”
    â€œWhat do you do?”
    â€œI just kind of stand there.”
    â€œWith your arms hanging
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