23. Has a great personality
24. Superb conversationalist
25. Wise
26. Witty
27. Wonderful
28. Imaginative
29. Magnanimous
30. Philanthropic before I showed up
31. Fun to be with
32. A smile
33. Clean, neat, and smells good naturally
34. Inspires evermore love
35. Cooperative
36. Financially savvy
37. Under-spender — lives below her means
38. Has created some of her own means
39. Knows herself
40. Flexible
41. Social graces and practices
42. Wants us to entertain and be entertaining
43. Playful and adventurous
44. Loves to dance
45. Thinks abundance
46. Wants to create superior memories
47. We can talk forever through the decades
48. Lives in ideas
49. Wants to make the world work
50. Is passionately on purpose
51. Sophisticated
52. We have a profound and growing soulular connection
53. We are soul mates
54. Loves to exercises, stretch and work on her strength, health, flexibility, aerobics and balance daily
55. Wants to see the world
56. Nurturing spirit
57. Has deep spiritual practices
58. Meditates
59. Creative
60. Non-smoker
61. Non-alcoholic
62. Non-drug user
63. Charitable
64. Has great etiquette
65. Is pro-organic foods and healthy eating
66. My friends love and enjoy her personality and are thrilled to be with her
67. Loves my family, kids and grandkids and our kids get along — if hers exist
68. Culturally, politically, financially, socially, emotionally, and spiritually aware
69. I can fully feel her love for me
70. Has her own businesses, products, and services to create
71. My staff loves, enjoys, respects, admires, and appreciates her
72. My career is second to her
73. She helps me know and expand my love
74. We share similar tastes in almost everything
75. Energetic and enthusiastic
76. Wholesome
77. Fresh, Spring-like
78. Young-minded and thinks forever young
79. Neat, Clean
80. Original rich mindset
81. Loves me in all my dimensions
82. Disciplines
83. Not jealous
84. Monogamous
85. Enchanting
86. Seeks out the good
87. Compellingly joyful
88. Sacred experiences
89. Bright-eyed
90. Eager to learn forever
91. Wants to serve
92. Positive mental attitude
93. Socially adept
94. Extraordinary
95. Proud to be with me and vice versa
96. Great design sense personally, professionally, for the home’s interior, et al
97. Great dresser
98. Beautiful to behold
99. Lives with ease, grace, and spiritual dignity
100. Adoring
101. We give ourselves totally and completely to each other
102. Works on her own wellbeingness
103. Has mutually agreed upon boundaries
104. Truly becomes my best and closest friend
105. Loyalty
106. Trust
107. Faithfulness
108. Integrity
109. Honesty
110. Compassion
111. Passion
112. Integrated
*Bold indicates my absolute must haves
Now you’ve seen the clear intention I wrote about before I met Crystal. In the secret place within my mind, I knew she had to exist and be alive somewhere or I couldn’t have had such a clear, purposeful vision of her. I knew she had to be alive and that with every breath I took, I was getting closer and closer.
~Mark Victor Hansen
The Spirit of Love
Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.
I n the West what we generally call love is mostly a feeling, not a power. This feeling can be delicious, even ecstatic, but there are many things love is meant to do that feelings cannot.
When love and spirit are brought together, their power can accomplish anything. Then love, power, and spirit are one.
There has never been a spiritual master — not Buddha, Krishna, Christ, or Mohammed — who wasn’t a messenger of love, and the power of the message has always been awesome: it has changed the world. Perhaps the very immensity of such teachers has made the rest of us reticent. We do not accept the power love can create inside us, and therefore we turn our backs on our divine status.
Love is spirit. Spirit is the Self.
Self and spirit are the