Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul

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Book: Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jack Canfield
work and can’t break away. I don’t know how much longer I can take this.”
    “Don’t get impatient,” Emma smiled slightly and patted her frustrated daughter’s shoulder. “The best things in life are worth waiting for. Trust me.”
    “I don’t know, Ma. Maybe he’s the one that should be doing the waiting.” She stormed out of the room.
    Emma’s smile widened.
    Not an hour later, the doorbell rang. Andrea rushed to answer it. It just has to be Jeff, she thought. He’d never hang up angry.
    Emma stood back, wiped her hands on a flowered apron and reclaimed her mischievous smile.
    Andrea tipped the young messenger and rushed the package into the house. Under the watchful eye of her curious mother, she tore through the brown wrapping. It was the most beautiful dress she’d ever laid eyes on. As she lifted the white lace into the air, a piece of stationery floated to the floor. It read:
    Baby Cakes,
    Sometimes I say things I don’t mean. Sometimes I’m stubborn and defensive. Sometimes I want to go to you, but fear rejection. Andrea, I love you, and because I love you I’ll try harder to be understanding and have more patience. Forgive me. I saw this dress and thought how beautiful you’d look in it. Please wear it tonight and meet me at Capriccio’s at 6:00. Can’t wait to see you!
    As she wiped her eyes, Andrea caught her mother’s grin. “I’ll be there, “she smirked. “But this time he’s gonna wait!”
    Her mother just laughed.
    It was almost 6:30 when Andrea screeched into Capriccio’s lot. She intended to be a few minutes late, allowing extra time to get ready. She wanted his wait to be worth it when he saw her. The valet attendant took one look and swallowed hard. She noticed and smiled. The extra time had paid off.
    Greeted by the maitre d’, she expected him to escort her to Jeff’s table. Instead, the older gentleman smiled and handed her a dozen long-stemmed roses.
    “Mr. Stanton called and said he was running late. He said that the card would explain.”
    Blowing a wisp of hair from her eyes, Andrea reached into the baby’s breath and retrieved the card.
    I would say I’m sorry, but those would just be words that you have heard many times before. This time, I’ll say I love you, a truth that lives within my heart. Meet me at the Eagle for drinks at 7:00.
    Andrea looked at the maitre d’ who continued to grin. “Did he say anything else on the phone?”
    “Not exactly,” the kind man muttered. “Just that he can’t wait to see you.”
    “It certainly doesn’t seem that way,” she lamented.
    As she reached the parking lot, she was surprised to find that her car hadn’t been moved. The valet attendant opened the door, smiled sweetly and said, “Best of luck!”
    “Same to you,” she replied, confused by his curious comment.
    Within ten minutes she was at the Eagle waiting in the lounge. She would give him 10 minutes to show; otherwise she’d go home to contemplate their future.
    The bartender sauntered over. “What’ll you have, Miss?”
    “Margarita, no salt and a cup of ice on the side.”
    “Cup of ice on the side?” the man questioned with a silly grin dancing across his face.
    “Yeah,” she confirmed, her irritated tone approaching anger. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear she was the butt of some cruel joke. She checked her watch again. He had seven more minutes. Looking down at the beautiful white dress she wore, she shook her head. What a waste, she thought, fighting back the tears.
    Within seconds, the bartender returned with a bottle of champagne and the same smile he’d left with.
    “I ordered a margarita,” she roared, then realizing her rude outburst, quietly added, “I’m sorry; it’s just that my boyfriend was supposed to . . .”
    “Meet you here at 7:00? I know. He called and asked that I pour you a glass of champagne and give you this card.”
    With a wink, the bartender was gone. Andrea reluctantly
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