Cherry Ames 24 Companion Nurse

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Book: Cherry Ames 24 Companion Nurse Read Online Free PDF
Author: Helen Wells
Mrs. Logan in exercising the arm daily. You may also need to massage the arm and shoulder as well. That will depend on what the Edinburgh doctor decides.”
    “I understand, Dr. Merriam. I’ve been working on the Orthopedics Ward at Hilton Hospital.”
    “Good. Oh, one more thing. Take along a few simple remedies—something for an upset stomach, or head-ache, just in case.” He wrote out a prescription. “See that Mrs. Logan has frequent rest periods, she must not walk or stand too long at a time. That should do it for now, Miss Ames.”
    On Saturday, after the usual morning care, Cherry encouraged Mrs. Logan to move her right arm and shoulder at regular intervals. After a rest, she helped her patient get used to using her left arm and hand, 26 CHERRY
    starting with combing her hair. The result was ludi-crous. “It’s your fi rst try,” Cherry said. “But you’ll see, practice makes perfect.”
    She coaxed Martha Logan to eat lunch and settled her for a nap. Later in the afternoon she gave her a bed bath, and after that, at Mrs. Logan’s request, put some business papers in order. Since Martha Logan was right-handed and had broken her right arm, Cherry was going to have to do paperwork and take notes for her during the trip.
    Late that afternoon the travel agent telephoned.
    He had gotten a cancellation for Cherry. Now the airline people were trying to get some other passenger to trade seats, so Mrs. Logan could have her nurse beside her. “Cheers!” said Martha Logan.
    Just before Cherry was to go off duty, Dr. Merriam hurried in. The doctor and the nurse helped Mrs.
    Logan to get to her feet. Cherry was surprised to see that she was taller than she had appeared to be in bed.
    At fi rst she was weak and unsteady. She sat up in a chair for a while, and walked better on the second try.
    The doctor and Cherry discussed the importance of not allowing their patient to grow stiff and weak from lying in bed. “Help her to walk over the weekend,” Dr.
    Merriam reminded Cherry, although she needed no reminding.
    Cherry and her patient practiced, and they also grew better acquainted during the quiet of Sunday and Labor Day, Cherry’s mother had sent her a special-delivery letter, and Cherry read the more interesting parts of it NURSE’S
    aloud to her patient. Mrs. Logan wanted to hear more, so Cherry told her a little about her parents in Hilton, where she was born and grew up, and about her twin brother who was an aviation engineer. “They must be a good family,” Mrs. Logan said, “to have produced you.
    You know, I’d like to call you Cherry. And I’d like you to call me Martha. I know it’s against protocol for nurses to address patients by their fi rst names, but since we’ll be traveling companions for a month, it will seem so much friendlier. Now please tell me more about your wonderful family.”
    But Cherry was careful not to talk too much or too constantly. Martha Logan still felt badly shaken up and on this hot day the cast felt uncomfortably tight.
    Cherry gave her medication and left her alone to rest.
    Later, she took out the rubber ball she had brought with her. She gave it to Mrs. Logan, explaining, “It would be a good idea for you to squeeze this ball for about ten or fi fteen minutes at a time, four or fi ve times a day. It will help your arm muscles to keep their tone.
    We’ll work into it gradually. Want to try? I’ll help you, until you can manage by yourself.” They worked with the ball and Cherry also encouraged Martha to move her shoulders, and praised her.
    At one interval, Martha told Cherry: “We’ll go to the airport a little early on Thursday morning. A reporter has made an appointment with me. He’s bringing a photographer who wants a picture of us boarding the plane.”
    “Good promotion for your next book,” said Cherry.

    28 CHERRY
    “My publisher thinks so,” Martha replied. “There already was one
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