Chasing Mayhem

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Book: Chasing Mayhem Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cynthia Sax
nervous glances at them and hastily moved out of their way. They feared him and they feared Imee. Pride warmed Mayhem’s chest.
    “It’s never going to happen.” His female continued to fight the inevitable. “But if it keeps your mouth shut, think those thoughts.”
    It wouldn’t keep his mouth shut. He was a cyborg. He could plan Menace’s rescue, think about breeding with his female, and talk during the same time interval.
    Mayhem paused outside a structure.
    That was Kralj’s domicile? It appeared to be a beverage outlet. He resisted the urge to contact Menace, not wanting Kralj to know he had arrived.
    Their host was unusual. It was logical that he’d have an unusual domicile. And cyborg senses didn’t lie. Menace was inside the structure.
    Mayhem strolled to the right. He’d enter through the back and—
    “The door’s this way.” Imee slapped his arm with the barrel of her gun. “Kralj knows you’re here.”
    The front door, it would be. Mayhem pushed it open with his gun. Heads turned. Chattering stopped. Beings, a variety of species, mostly male, all grim-looking, sat along a long serving center and around square horizontal supports. Many of them had containers of fermented beverages in their hands.
    A couple of the groups appeared to be playing some sort of rock-throwing game, the rocks painted with numbers. Females in various stages of undress sat on the laps of some of the males. They ground into their companions’ groins, trying to entice them into breeding with them.
    All of the beings were heavily armed. Many were scarred warriors.
    Normally Mayhem would love such a place, thriving on the danger and the unpredictability of the crowd. But he was achingly aware of the fragile female behind him. He was almost indestructible. She wasn’t.
    Which was why he couldn’t bring her on his adventures, as much as he was tempted to. Humans were delicate beings. He had to protect Imee.
    “Kralj’s private chambers are in the back.” She waved her gun in that direction.
    He headed where she indicated. Wary gazes followed his progress. Fingers twitched. Hands rested on weapons. Even the serving females watched him, their eyes wide with curiosity.
    “What a friendly group,” he joked.
    “I’m a Retriever,” his female muttered. “And every being in this structure is a rebel. They could be my next targets and they know that.”
    “Why haven’t you retrieved them?” Mayhem stared down a big brute.
    “Within the Refuge, Kralj decides who I hunt. They’re safe unless they displease him.” Her words held a hint of warning. “That doesn’t stop them from hating me, from wanting me dead.”
    That bothered his little Retriever. He heard that in her voice. “They won’t touch you,” Mayhem vowed.
    “They won’t touch me.” She stomped behind him. “And you won’t touch me either. I know your games now. You won’t fool me again.”
    He had only just started their play and he would touch her again.
    “This is it.” Imee slipped in front of him, swung the peculiarly manual door open, and gestured for him to enter.
    The chamber was dimly lit, the walls dark, decorated with primitive weapons—axes, pikes, swords, an indication of the owner’s violent nature. They were all impeccably maintained. Mayhem breathed deeply. And they smelled like blood.
    They weren’t purely decorative. The weapons had been utilized.
    A large male sat in shadows behind a horizontal support, his form alarmingly still, evidence of his control. He must be the mysterious Kralj.
    Menace was seated by the far wall. His hands were set on his seat’s armrests. His feet pressed against the wooden legs. It was an unnatural position for the normally relaxed warrior.
    Are you restrained? Mayhem transmitted. He saw no evidence of bindings but that was the only feasible explanation he could process.
    Yes. His friend glowered at him.
    “There would be no need for restraints if my instructions had been followed.” Kralj’s voice
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