Charlotte Boyett-Compo- WIND VERSE- Hunger's Harmattan

Charlotte Boyett-Compo- WIND VERSE- Hunger's Harmattan Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Charlotte Boyett-Compo- WIND VERSE- Hunger's Harmattan Read Online Free PDF
Author: Unknown
just stretched out on his lean flanks and moved backward in the water, his
arms pulling them toward the shore until his feet could touch the sloped bottom
of the pool. His cock rested along the cleft of her ass and it was hard and
thick and hot, pulsing now and then against her.
    “I want you,” she said as he turned and
walked with her out of the water.
    “I know.”
    It had not been said arrogantly or with
conceit but as an acceptance of her need that matched his. When he carried her
to his pallet and knelt down to allow her to lie on her back on that soft
expanse, she did not break her hold on him, and he stretched out atop her, his
weight a heavenly burden that sent shivers of delight through her groin. He
touched the wound that marred her shoulder.
    “Who did this?” he asked, anger leaping in
his amber gaze.
    “A dead man,” she answered.
    He held her gaze for a long moment then
lowered his head to the wound and kissed it gently, laving it with his tongue.
As he did, his cock leapt against her.
    She wriggled against him, wanting that
delicious cock inside her, but when he shook his head, she wanted to scream.
“Why not?”
    He smiled gently and put his hands to
either side of her face. “Because you are ovulating, ionúin , and I would
not give you a child until we are legally Joined as man and wife. I want no
bastard son of ours to ever feel the disapproval of his peers.”
    From all the reading she had done about the
men who had been experimented on at R-9, Shanee knew Reapers mated only once in
their lives. No other woman would ever know the power and thrust of them. They
would allow no other man to have what was theirs. She knew when Ailyn Harmattan
took her, he would be the last man she would ever allow that right.
    “You must be sure it is I you want, little
Amazeen,” he said, looking down into her eyes.
    “Am I what you want?” she asked, staring at
his sensual mouth.
    He stroked his thumbs over her cheekbones.
“Morrigunia Herself sent you to me. I’ve no doubt in my mind about that. Can
you not feel Her hand in this?”
    Shanee knew they shared the goddess in
common in their religions but she’d never thought much about such things.
Though she gave lip service to the deities, she had never really believed in
Their existence or Their supposed power to sway fate. At that moment though,
she believed.
    “Of all the women in the megaverse who
could have been sent here, it was you who came,” he said. “I felt the pull as
soon as your ship sailed overhead. I didn’t know what awaited me or who, but I
knew my life would never be the same again. I accepted that the moment I felt
your thoughts last eve.”
    “We could be all wrong for one another,”
she said, trying to be a responsible adult.
    “You don’t believe that and neither do I,”
he said, and lowered his mouth to hers.
    As experienced as she was, Shanee had never
known a kiss could be so enthralling, so devastating and so powerful that it
literally made her toes curl. His mouth was a warm haven into which her very
soul sank as he drew upon her lips. She throbbed in places she didn’t even know
she had and such a powerful sense of rightness with this man passed over her
that she melted into his embrace.
    “I want… I need…”
    “I know what you need, ionúin. Let
me provide it.”
    He eased off her to lie beside her, sliding
his hand to her silken curls as he bent over and claimed her breast between his
lips. His fingers—first one then two then three—slid into her warm sheath and
began a deep, penetrating rhythm while his thumb grazed her swollen clit.
    She writhed on the pallet, her hips arching
up to meet his sure strokes. Her breast tingled where his mouth plied it. He
went deep, held and then slowly withdrew, going deeper still when she groaned.
He twisted his fingers gently inside her moist box until he found that
mysterious spot that drew him like a magnet.
    The moment he touched that button within
her, Shanee bore down
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