Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (Children of the Red King, Book 2)

Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (Children of the Red King, Book 2) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (Children of the Red King, Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jenny Nimmo
standing at the top of the stairs. 11 howled again, raising its long nose toward the roof while folds of almost hairless skin shook beneath its whiskery chin.
    "What an ugly beast," Henry whispered.
    "It's Cook's dog, Blessed." Charlie didn't wait for the dog to howl again. "Quick," he said, grabbing Henry's arm. "You've got to hide. This isn't a good place for you to be right now There are people here who might — do something nasty if they find out who you are."
    "Why?" asked Henry his eyes widening.
    "Just a feeling," said Charlie. "Come on." He dragged Henry toward the door into the west wing.
    "Where are we going?" said Henry scooping up the Time Twister and slipping it into his pocket.
    For a moment Charlie had no idea why he was taking Henry into the west wing. He turned the heavy brass ring in the door and pushed his new friend into the dark passage beyond.
    "I know this place," whispered Henry "I never liked it."
    "Nor me," said Charlie. "But we have to go this way to find somewhere safe." He closed the door behind him just as Blessed gave another mournful howl.
    The two boys made their way along the passage until they reached an empty circular room. A dim light hanging from the ceiling showed an ancient wooden door and, opposite the door, a flight of stone steps.
    "The tower?" Henry looked at the steps and made a face.
    It was then that Charlie realized why he had brought Henry to this place. "You'll be safe at the top," he said.
    "Will I?" Henry looked doubtful.
    "Trust me," said Charlie.
    As Henry began to mount the steps, Charlie noticed his peculiar tweed pants. They reached only to the knee, where a button held them in place over loose gray socks.
    Henry's boots looked distinctly feminine: black and shiny they were neatly laced just above the ankle.
    "We'd better find you some new clothes," Charlie muttered as they reached a second circular room. A door led off this room into the west wing, but Charlie urged Henry up a second flight of steps. "The Bloors live through there," he said.
    "Interesting," said Henry "Some things haven't changed, then."
    They kept climbing upward but long before they reached the top of the tower, the sound of a piano could be heard, echoing down the narrow stairwell.
    Henry stopped. "There's someone up there."
    "It's the piano teacher, Mr. Pilgrim," said Charlie. "No one else comes up here, and Mr. Pilgrim doesn't really notice things. He won't be a problem, promise!"
    Another two sets of stairs brought them to the small room at the top of the tower. Sheets of music lay scattered on the floor and the shelves that ran from floor to ceiling were crammed with huge leather-bound albums, and thick dog-eared scores.
    "It'll be warm here," said Charlie, moving several piles away from the bookcase. "You see, if we put some paper on the floor like this," he spread several sheets of music between the bookcase and a wall of plied scores. "It'll make a sort of bed, and you can hide here till morning."
    “And then what?" asked Henry.
    "Well . . ." Charlie scratched his head. "Then I'll find a way to get you some breakfast, and maybe some new clothes."
    "What's wrong with my clothes?" Henry gave an anxious frown.
    "They're just different. We don't wear that kind of stuff now"
    Henry glanced at Charlie's long gray trousers and thick-soled shoes. "No. So I see," he said.
    "I'd better be getting back," said Charlie. "The head boy Manfred Bloor, will be after me, and I don't want to get on the wrong side of him. He hypnotizes."
    "Oh. One of those." Henry had heard about the hypnotizers in his family "Are you one of them?" he asked Charlie. "The endowed?"
    '" Fraid so," said Charlie. "That's how I knew you."
    "What about him?" Henry pointed to the door behind which the rich piano music flowed on.
    "He won't bother you," said Charlie. '"Bye, now." He gave a wave and backed out of the small room, feeling inexplicably guilty.
    In the King's room a boy with a long, sad face glanced anxiously at Charlie's
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