Chaos at Crescent City Medical Center

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Book: Chaos at Crescent City Medical Center Read Online Free PDF
Author: Judith Townsend Rocchiccioli
continued to see her.  He doesn't seem to have any sexual interest in me, so what’s this all about, she thought to herself.  She didn't understand his reticence. They seemed to go well together and had similar interests.  He did seem to care for her and was warm and generous with his time and his gifts.   Besides, she liked him better than any male companion she'd had since her divorce.  That made it even harder to accept.
    The ambiance at the Cafe Degas was perfect. Like many fine restaurants in New Orleans, it had an eclectic decor.  There were no side walls, only louvered shutters in case of extreme cold or rain.  The evening was almost warm enough for al fresco dining, but Mitch, fearing the night would turn cool, ushered Alex to a table in the corner.
    The cuisine at the cafe was excellent.  After listening to the specials, Alex choose beef and Mitch selected crepes. 
    Their dinner conversation revolved around various topics.
    "Your grandfather's in town.  Read about it this morning in the paper.  How's he doing? "
    "Great.  I talked with him earlier. He h as a meeting tonight and he's leaving late tomorrow.  We're having drinks tomorrow afternoon."
    "Are he and your grandmother staying with you?"
    "My grandmother is n’t here.  He's alone and staying at Palm Court.  It's a quick trip.  Some political brouhaha, I’m sure.  He's especially good at those."  Alex smiled, thinking of Adam Lee's particular talent of making people see things his way.  "My grandmother swears the Congressman could make a leopard change his spots if given enough time."
    Mitch picked up on her smile.  "You're close to them, aren't you?  Any chance I'll ever get to meet him?"
    Alex, surprised, was taken back.  "Umm,no.  I doubt it, at least not this visit.  He's tight for time.  I'll introduce you to both of them later.  They'll be here in June for another meeting."  She could feel a warm flush come over her face.  She felt a little guilty about denying hi m the chance to meet her grandfather. She hoped Mitch wasn't put off by her response.
    Recognizing her embarrassment, Mitch reached for her hand.  "Sounds good to me.  You ready for the Extravaganza Saturday night?"
    Mitch had invited her to the costumed ball sponsored by the Krewe of Endymion.  The Endymion Extravaganza was this weekend and was the largest and most lavish ball in New Orleans.
    Alex had been anticipating the ball for weeks.  She'd gone overboard in having Yvonne LaFleur design a sumptuous gown for her, justifying the purchase with the idea she could wear it again in a few years.  Alex was hoping the Endymion Extravaganza would be the beginning of an intimate relationship between her and Mitch.  They'd decided to stay overnight at the Fairmount Hotel, the night of the ball, and had plans to spend the weekend in the Quarter.  She smiled in anticipation. 
    "Alex, am I boring you?  What are you smiling about?  You're in another world."  Mitch's eyes were warm over the candlelight.
    A lex was immediately apologetic.  "Sorry. I was thinking about the Extravaganza and how much fun we're going to have.  I'm looking forward to it.  What were you saying, Mitch?" 
    "Nothing important.  How about some cafe au lait and cheese cake?  Buy the whole thing and you can take it home.  I know how much you love it.  It'll be the perfect ending to our meal."  Alex nodded in agreement. 
    "How are things going at the hospital?  You seem a little distracted tonight?"
    "Busy.  Health care's changing everywhere, and we are trying to prepare for Obama Care, which none of us truly understands. Nobody understands the health care bill.  Not even Obama. The legislation is over 1,000 pages! There are all kinds of fears and concerns over health reform and the whole health care environment is fiercely competitive and focused on cheap care but good results.   I know it’s going to cost us millions and we will see significant job losses in health care
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