Changeling Winds: Episode Two (The Bachelor Battles Book 2)
Mothers came back out, carrying heavily-laden trays. The heaping bowls of pasta and meat filled the air with hunger, but they waited to be given permission. Slaves…
    I waved a bloody hand. “Eat.”
    I dug into my own bowl and then enjoyed the sweet taste of the milk that was being served with it. Hard to come by, real milk was a treat. The males ate quietly, carefully, eyes darting to mine in brief seconds of concern.
    I did my best to ignore them at first, thinking their faces were too thin, shrunken. Perhaps the generous meal was only for the benefit of the live, soundless cameras? Were they not fed properly unless on display? Anything was possible in this apocalyptic hell.
    The male on my right, seat subtly moved away, was adorable. Perfectly neat teeth, with clear skin, and his smell! Like a fresh rose, only meatier.
    Aware of my attention, he was very precise in his movements, likely so that he didn’t trigger my instinct to hunt. I knew aggressiveness was often erased in males by denying them testosterone, and I wondered if the same were true of the prize bachelors. According to the Network, these few were pure of chemicals, and even felt privileged to be here, where each week brought the hope of a kind owner.
    And then there was me .
    I smothered a Candice-like grin at the thought and moved on. To the right of pristine male, came three more pretty faces - two blondes with rippling locks and a sexy brunette with stunning gray eyes. He was the one who had lifted his chin to me and my gaze lingered…
    Next to these, more perfection - seven unblemished faces. What did they do with the ugly ones? There certainly weren't any of those here.
    I turned to the male on my left. Our curious gazes met, and he flushed as he dropped his head. He'd been staring at my nearly naked body. Sweet! I had to hide yet another snarling grin.
    The Change was zinging my hormones, being so close to their bodies opening the flood valves. Some women snapped when it became too much, attacking the closest one when it happened and often hurting them before the drugs could take effect. Because of the Change, men were now the ones afraid to submit and be hurt, or even killed.
    Full of these thoughts, shivers of need slid up my thighs to curl around my spine in a flickering wave of agony. My grip tightened on the table. Damn!
    The males tensed, feeling my reaction, and I forced a bite of food into my mouth, chewed and swallowed. Control.
    After another minute of breathing calmly, I was ready to take it a step further, testing myself. Part of the reason for the males to be so dependent on the Den Mothers was that it eliminated the need for them to speak to us. For Changelings, the sound of a male voice was like a match to kindling.
    “I have questions.”
    My casual words sent a fresh wave of tension through the group of nine, heads turning to each other and dark doorways for protection. None of them spoke.
    I took another drink of the sweet milk, gently picked up my fork. “Do you sing?”
    I wasn't sure any of them had the courage to respond, not even the one I'd caught ogling me, and so it was something of a surprise when all of them answered… at the same time.
    “Yes. We all sing.”
    A confusing jumble hit my ears and I blinked, looking around the table.
    They were confused, but dutifully echoed themselves.
    "Yes, we all sing."
    Slightly out of harmony this time, I was able to understand the illusion that had distracted me. It was a defense they'd developed to temper our reaction to their voices. Clever .
    I could order them not to do it, put a stop to each thin shield they tried to throw between us, but why would I? I liked games. Wasn't I a contestant on one even now?
    I grinned.
    The males shrank back and I made myself reach for the cup instead of snapping my teeth at them like the need was advising. It would feel sooooo gooood to lose control!
    I shook my head at the green-haired Den Mother in the doorway, and was glad
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