Cera's Place

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Book: Cera's Place Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth McKenna
    She reached out and grabbed his elbow. This time when he turned, his eyes reflected anger mixed with the pain. His teeth were clenched, as if he didn’t trust himself to speak civilly. Maybe she shouldn’t have followed him after all.
    Still, she plunged on. “It was all a big misunderstanding. We thought you were working for this other man we are trying to avoid. So, if you want to come back to the saloon sometime, I won’t kick you out.”
    The corner of the soldier’s mouth twitched. “Is that so? Why that’s mighty nice of you.” He tipped his Stetson and continued down the street.
    She watched him for a moment before following. This is getting ridiculous, she thought.
    Stopping, he once again faced her. “What do you want from me?”
    Cera shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I feel bad.”
    His eyes moved over her face. “It looks like that feeling doesn’t sit well with you. I bet you don’t feel bad very often.”
    She crossed her arms and frowned. “No, I don’t, at least not when a man’s involved.”
    “Well, don’t you worry none. I’ve been treated a lot worse over the years than what I got in your saloon. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go.”
    “Where?” she asked, prolonging the conversation.
    “Where?” His brow furrowed at her question.
    “Where are you going? Are you leaving town?” She forced herself to meet his stern gaze. He was just another man, and she wasn’t in the practice of letting men intimidate her, but she wished he wasn’t so tall. Her neck was beginning to crick.
    He didn’t answer immediately. In the long moment of silence that they stared at each other, his eyes seemed to clear a bit and his lips almost relaxed into a smile. Finally, he nodded. “Yes, eventually. It was a pleasure talking to you, Miss Cera.”
    The way he emphasized “pleasure” made her stomach do a girlish flip that she truly didn’t welcome. “Um, yes, Captain. Good day, then.”
    “I’m not a soldier anymore.” He winced, rubbing his forehead. “Please, call me ‘Jake.’”
    Perhaps it was the fault of a cloud passing over the afternoon sun, but his skin suddenly took on a gray pallor. “You don’t look well. Are you all right, Mr. Tanner ?” First names were not going to be allowed.
    He rejected her concern with a wave of his hand. “Yes, just a headache. Would you like me to escort you back to your saloon? It doesn’t seem safe for a lady to walk these streets alone.”
    “No, that won’t be necessary, but thank you anyway. It’s very considerate of you to offer. I’m fine, really, but I should go now.” She pressed her lips together to keep any further babble from escaping through her mouth. With as much dignity as she could muster, she turned on her heel and headed back to Cera’s Place.
    While walking, she scolded herself for acting like an idiot in front of a man. He wasn’t even that charming, was he? Obviously, in her line of work, she met men of every shape and form, but most of them weren’t worth the spit it took to shine a shoe. Besides, she’d had enough heartache to last a lifetime. She didn’t need another man throwing away her love—once was enough.
    As she waited to cross Washington Street, a deep voice called out her name.
    “Good day, Miss Cassidy. You’re looking lovelier than the last time we met.”
    From out of nowhere, the hulking figure of Samuel Biggs appeared, his heavy lips contorted into a grotesque smile. Stealing the manners of an upper-class gentleman, he bent at the waist and tipped his bowler hat.
    Biting back her revulsion for the man, Cera bobbed her head at the compliment. “Why thank you, Mr. Biggs, and how are you today?”
    “Oh, fine, just fine.” He tugged his bright turquoise, silk vest over his ample belly. Like a preening peacock, he adjusted the cuffs of his shirtsleeves and then brushed at a speck of offending road dust on his pant leg. “Though, of course, I’m still a bit upset from an incident
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