Censored 2012

Censored 2012 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Censored 2012 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mickey Huff
world, as well. Without strong democratic movements of resistance worldwide, the chaos resulting from the empire of destruction will inevitability move from Kabul and Palestine to Paris and San Francisco.
    Time and again,
Censored 2012
heeds the call for the global truth and justice movement to become self-informed, radically democratic, and culturally resistant to the empire of destruction.
    We are not going to reform the empire of destruction globally through corrupt capital-protecting legislative bodies controlled by millionaires and corporate money. We are not going to change the propaganda messages of corporate media—as they are just as deeply embedded in the destructive empire of power as the transnational corporate elite.
    Corporate media (singular) is the information control wing of the global power structure. The corporate media systematically censors news stories that challenge the propaganda of empire. Some of the mythologies of empire are that we live in democratic societies with fair elections, that governments are primarily transparent and seek to protect the public, that evil lurks in the world waiting to challenge our freedoms, that we fight fairly and morally while the others are evil terrorists, that governments would never do anything to harm their own citizens, that wealth trickles down, that we are all trying to be green, and that capitalism will save us.
    Many of the stories that Project Censored has covered over the past thirty-five years have challenged the core myths of empire. These are stories about election fraud, transnational elite planning and control, 9/11, torture, extensive civilian deaths in wars, state crimes against democracy, massive military misspending, corporate tax evasion and misappropriation or economic resource (capital flight), unsustainable practices and environmental damage, and the denegation of world leaders who fail to cooperate with neoliberal economic policies. We are in an era of total information control and top-down managed news throughout the empire. It is not against the law to lie to the public or to prepackage news to match empire propaganda myths.
    The time is right for democracy movements to build their own news, and their own systems of decision-making from the bottom-up. We no longer need a majority to make change inside the empire. We need only active, informed populations in the 10 to 20 percent range of society to initiate change producing social movements of resistance and noncooperation with empire.
    Individually and collectively we can disconnect from employment that supports the empire of destruction, and we can instead keep our work with community-based efforts at local sustainability, economic development, and caring. We can shop locally and never enter the Walmarts of empire. We can organize for resistance to counter the billions of dollars a year spent by the military to deceive our children into serving the empire of destruction. We can turn off the corporate media filled with its propaganda and lies and seek our own sources of news from within democracy movements worldwide.
    We can un-censor the news, utilizing the efforts of our colleges and universities validating independent news within the Project Censored/Media Freedom network. We can invite activists and those concerned with the empire of destruction to speak truth to power with news and stories of the abuses of empire and the successes of our efforts of resistance. Telling our stories openly and transparently will be vital to a global democratic movement. We will share the wealth of humanness to build democratic change to save our grandchildren’s grandchildren and ourselves. We are all protégé of the Sol.

    PETER PHILLIPS is a professor of sociology at Sonoma State University and recent past director of Project Censored (1996–2010). He teaches classes in Media Censorship, Investigative Sociology, Sociology of Power, Political Sociology, and Sociology of Media. He has published fourteen
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