Celestra Forever After

Celestra Forever After Read Online Free PDF

Book: Celestra Forever After Read Online Free PDF
Author: Addison Moore
transition.” Dad gives an approving nod. “When do you think you’ll be back?” His mood shifts to something a little more serious, which usually means there’s something he needs me to take care of.
    “Six, seven? I don’t know. We’ve got books to buy, and I’ve got practice.” Not to mention the fact I plan on taking Skyla out for a nice dinner. I think it’s time we come into our own once again. At the least, I want to talk to her about how she’s doing. I know losing Logan was hard on Skyla. As tough as it was on me, I think she had it a little bit worse.
    “Stop by the morgue some time this week.” He gives a curt nod. “I’ve something to show you. Ezrina introduced me to a new embalming fluid that takes half as long to administer and keeps the corpse perfectly preserved for at least a thousand years.”
    Ezrina might be running around in Chloe’s old body, but she’s got her scientific mad mind intact, one hundred percent.
    “Interesting.” I fake enthusiasm for the sake of avoiding another lecture on the profitability potential of the funeral home business. “I think I will stop by and check that out sometime.” Dad has been after me to consider partnering with him, but, all in all, I’ve pretty much surmised it’s a dead-end job, no pun intended. I shoot a look over to Skyla. “You ready to do this?”
    “I’m ready if you are.”
    And with that we hop in my truck, away from my father’s talk of morgue mergers and my mother’s talk of questionable forms of chivalry.
    I hate to break it to my father, but I’m not too interested in building my future on the dead—I’m pretty sure I want to hang out with a few warm bodies for a good long while. And I hate to break it to my mother, but I plan on loving Skyla any way I damn well please—sacrificing far more than my dorm room for her.
    We drive down the slick roads of Paragon with our hands still interlaced. I never want to let go of Skyla.
    Not now.
    Not ever.

    Skyla and I grab some coffee before parking in the clearing near the docks. I lower the tailgate and help her take a seat before hopping up next to her. It’s heaven like this with Skyla, just the two of us tucked away at the foot of the forest. It’s bliss just hanging out, watching Mother Nature rouse from her slumber, sleepy-eyed, as the pines stretch their limbs high to the sky. A crow screams overhead as it darts into the woods, and it makes me think of Nevermore. He was mine once, then I gifted him to Skyla as the ultimate show of love, at least it was for the sixteen-year-old in me. And now here we are two years later, and I’d like nothing more than to gift her the ultimate show of love with my body. I’d die to love Skyla that way, but only when she’s ready.
    “I thought maybe we could grab a bite tonight.” I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in. “That way you can tell me all about your first day.” Skyla and I only managed to get one class together—U.S. History.
    “That sounds great. I think I promised Mia coffee at some point, but I’d much rather have dinner with you.” Her arms swim around my waist as she peels a heated kiss off my lips.
    “How about you do both? I’d feel bad if I got in the way of any plans you have with your sister.”
    She glances down and nods. “You know what I’m sort of feeling bad about?”
    “The fact I practically ran you out of the house before you could finish my mother’s gourmet pancakes?” It’s true. I doubt she got a solid bite in. Forget dinner, I owe her breakfast, too.
    “No, not that.” She gets a look on her face like she couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Skyla lands those pale blue eyes over mine, and I melt into her. I want to pull her deep into the bed of my truck and take her right here just shy of the Paragon Harbor parking lot. “The fact that I’ve been holding you off at an arm’s length.”
    “What?” I tick my head back an inch. “If you’ve been giving me the
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