Cavendish Brothers 01 - An Unintended Journey

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Book: Cavendish Brothers 01 - An Unintended Journey Read Online Free PDF
Author: Catherine Gayle
Goddards stood as a huddled mass, dressed in black on this already black day, just in front of the stables. One of Pritchard’s carriages was being readied behind them, and a series of footmen transported trunks to load it with.
    He did a quick count. The family was all present. All but Abby’s grandmother, that was, but she worked on the other side of town. Still, who else would they mourn?
    There was nothing for it. He would have to pass them all in order to reach his mount, as distasteful as the idea of disturbing their family moment might be. Adopting a more sedate pace, Wesley headed across the lawn.
    When he was within a few paces of the Goddard family, Thomas Goddard inclined his head. “Off to Blacknall Manor this morning, are you, Mr. Cavendish?” His voice hitched slightly, but Wesley would never comment on such a thing. He’d been the one with the hitch in his voice for too long.
    Abby was studiously avoiding his eyes, staring down her long nose with the slight bump in the middle at her delicate, utterly impractical black slippers. They grew muddier by the moment in the remnants from the morning’s rainfall. Wesley tamped down the urge to defy the whole damned world and wrap her in his arms, though he did so with great difficulty.
    He did his best to smile, but feared it came out more like a grim, twisted scowl, particularly when it pulled on his scar. “Yes, my brother has been so kind as to request my presence for an interview of sorts.”
    The elder brother, Robert, cleared his throat. “We ought to wish you well, then. I doubt you’ll return to Henley Green before we must be off for Yorkshire.”
    Wesley’s eyes shot back to Abby, though she would not meet his gaze. A fresh wave of tears formed in her eyes, shimmering in the overcast light of morning. Yorkshire? Perhaps the mourning was not for her grandmother. But then, for whom? And how could he let her ride out of his life in Pritchard’s carriage so soon after he’d returned?
    Recovering belatedly from his shock, he turned to the brothers. “I didn’t realize you would be traveling this Christmas.”
    “ Nor did we,” Mr. Goddard said. “My mother passed away, and she revealed the identity of my father finally. We are off to Danby Castle to meet him.”
    Danby Castle? Wesley did his best to keep his jaw in its proper position as myriad thoughts swirled through his mind. His pulse thundered through his veins with…what? Anticipation? Or, dare he say, hope? “I had no idea you were in some way related to His Grace.” Instantly, he felt like an uncouth dullard for saying such a thing.
    The kindly butler merely smiled at him with the barest hint of a chuckle. The small upturn of his lips tugged at the matching bump on his nose. “Nor did I, Mr. Cavendish. Yet I’m hopeful the duke will take the news of his newfound grandchildren benevolently.”
    Grandchildren . Abby was the duke’s granddaughter. His granddaughter through a bastard, true, but surely a connection such as that would be enough to appease Tristan, wouldn’t it? Danby could hardly be a more ardent Tory. For once in Wesley’s misbegotten life, it looked as though fortune might finally smile upon him.
    It was about damned time.
    “ I am so sorry to hear of your loss,” he finally managed to stammer. “And you travel for Yorkshire today?”
    “ As soon as the carriage is prepared, sir.” Goddard glanced over his shoulder at the progress. “I’m afraid we cannot say when we’ll return.”
    “ Will you remain at Blacknall long, Mr. Cavendish?” Abby blurted out, then flushed a most becoming shade almost instantaneously.
    He’d seen that pink on her before, when he’d catch her eyeing him while she went about her work many years ago. When he’d kissed her the very first time, both of them overcome by lustful thoughts and the boldness of youth. When Daniel Pritchard had come upon them kissing rabidly in the middle of Lord Pritchard’s maze, their hands in places they
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