
Cautious Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cautious Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Nelson
Tags: Romance
just how dangerous Aaron was to her self-control. He reminded her too much of Richard in that regard and that wasn't a good thing. She cleared her throat. "My sister is staying with me for a few days and I feel bad enough leaving her alone tonight, so can I maybe call you or something?"
    Aaron put his lips to hers, first in a whisper of need then in a demanding, I'm going to get what I want sort of way. He backed her up so she was pinned between the door and him. His fingers grazed over her breast and she leaned into him, moaning his name. "I'll give you one day, Misty, then you're all mine," he said releasing her and taking a step back. "Good night, beautiful."
    When he was out of sight, Misty exhaled loudly and went in to her apartment wearing a smile that could only be compared to that of a Cheshire cat.
    "Where the hell have you been?"
    "Jesus!" Misty put her hand over her racing heart. "You scared the crap out of me, Mandy." Misty tossed her purse on the couch and went into the kitchen where her sister sat at the table. "I've been out with Aaron. What're you doing up at this hour anyway?" Surely Amanda hadn't been waiting up for Misty out of concern. That just wasn't Amanda's style.
    "I couldn't sleep," Amanda said with a shrug. "So, how was it?"
    Misty sat across from her sister. "He took me out on his boat . It was amazing," she said dreamily as she propped her elbow on the table and dropped her chin into her palm.
    Amanda rolled her eyes. "Did you have sex with him?"
    "Mandy!" she exclaimed with a startled laugh. The more and more she talked with her sister the more evident it became that there was something seriously going on with Amanda. Her sister had never once, not even in all the time Misty had been dating Richard, asked how one of her dates had been much less inquired about her sex life. "Is everything okay with you?"
    "I'm in trouble, Misty," Amanda said averting her gaze.
    "What kind of trouble?"
    "I'm pregnant."
    Goose bumps erupted on Misty's arms. Amanda was pregnant? That wasn't possible. Amanda was very firm in her decision not to have children—ever. Her fiancé, Scott, had agreed. It's one of the reasons they'd clicked from the beginning. "How? I mean…" Misty shook her head. "What does Scott think?"
    "He's furious."
    "Well…" Misty knew she had to speak carefully. Amanda was known for her temper. "Have you two discussed your options? I mean, there are options, right? I'm sure if you give him some time he'll come around. Who knows? Maybe you'll both decide that you want this baby."
    "It's not his baby," Amanda whispered.
    "What?" Misty knew she heard that wrong. Amanda loved Scott with her entire heart and soul. Amanda was faithful to a fault. What the hell had happened?
    "It's not Scott's baby." Amanda returned her gaze to Misty's. "I had an affair."
    Misty just sat there, mouth agape, eyes wide, and her face colored with shock. She was having trouble processing what Amanda was saying. It just wasn't possible.
    "I felt so guilty about the affair that I told Scott almost immediately after it happened. He was pissed, rightfully, but he said he was willing to work on forgiving me if I swore I'd never seen the man again. Of course I agreed. Scott is everything to me." Amanda stood and put a kettle of water on the stove to heat. She took two mugs from the cabinet and put a teabag in each. "Things were going okay," she continued, "we were doing okay. Then I found out I was pregnant."
    "How do you know it's not Scott's?" Misty asked as she got up and pulled a tin from the top of the refrigerator.  It was filled with Biscotti—Misty's guilty indulgence. She hid the tin behind boxes of Ziploc baggies, tinfoil, and other miscellaneous items that didn't fit inside the cupboards. She carried it back to the table and sat.
    "Scott and I haven't had sex in over six months. Why do you think I had the affair in the first place?"
    "I thought you and Scott were happy."
    " I thought so too, but there was a few times
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