
Catch Read Online Free PDF

Book: Catch Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Congdon
couldn’t take it any longer and I chuckled as I stepped toward her, placing both hands on my hips. Time seemed to stand still before she finally looked up at me again from underneath her long lashes, her cheeks dusted pink from embarrassment. Damn, she looked cute.
    “Did we have sex?” she suddenly blurted out.
    She honestly couldn’t remember? This could be fun… “And I thought you said I’d let the ‘one girl’ willing to sleep with me get away last night?” I replied, raising an eyebrow.
    She gasped and her eyes widened, but her shock quickly turned to anger. “This isn’t funny.” Hitting her palm with her forehead, she added, “Shit! I’m such an idiot!”
    Although it seemed wrong to allow the poor girl to think something happened between us when it didn’t, I was having too much fun to stop. I took my sweet time walking around to the other side of the bed, sitting down and stretching out. I placed my hands behind my head, trying not to react to the way my body was tingling knowing she was watching.
    “ Relax . We didn’t sleep together,” I finally admitted, tilting my head to see her. I allowed her just enough time to calm down before adding, “Although, a great deal of naughty stuff went down.” My comment earned an eye roll.
    “Then why am I in just my underwear?” she asked, lifting up the blanket. Well aware I was blatantly staring, she made sure there was nothing I could see. She wasn’t foolish enough to let that incident occur again, much to my dismay. “And why the hell is my stomach sticky ?”
    I couldn’t help but laugh when the image of me pouring tequila on her stomach then using my mouth, and tongue, to suck it all up popped into my mind. “Oh, yeah, I forgot about the body shots.”
    Her head shot up with an alarming look on her face. “ Body shots? ”
    Oh, this is just too much , I thought with a grin. “Uh-huh. You let me lie you down on the kitchen table and suck tequila off your stomach. It was so fucking hot.” I turned myself to the side to face her, resting my head on my propped arm. “You’re quite the little minx after some drinks.”
    She threw me an irritated glare before her eyebrows rose. “We drank more tequila when we got home?”
    “Sure did, babe.”
    Her gaze dropped and fell to the mattress. I knew she was struggling to recall the evening’s events.
    To deliberately annoy her, I scratched my chin and said, “Perhaps that’s where we went wrong? If we’d stopped drinking sooner, we would’ve definitely done the deed.”
    That earned me another vicious look, but it didn’t last long. “So, you’re telling the truth about not sleeping together?”
    Was she crazy? I liked to joke around, sure, but I was not a liar!
    “Of course I am! I love having sex, but I’m not a damn somnophiliac. I don’t like having sex with unconscious women, Evangeline,” I replied, almost losing it.
    Trying to calm myself back down, I added, “But you know, we’re both sober and very much awake now. So, how about it?”
    To my surprise, she didn’t throw me another evil glare; instead, she picked up a nearby pillow and threw it at me. I was quick enough to block the attack, but I couldn’t contain my laughter. “I’m joking! I’m only joking.”
    “Yeah, well, I can never tell with you,” I heard her mumble which caused me to laugh again.
    When I was finally able to settle down, I turned back to tell her how I really felt. I cleared my throat and looked her in the eye to say, “Listen, I did want to say how sorry I am for your loss. I know it doesn’t mean much coming from a stranger, but I’m just glad you weren’t alone when you found out. I hope last night was able to take your mind off it, even if it was for a short while.”
    We stared at each other for a moment before I saw her lips move and realized she was speaking. “Thank you… And yes, it did, even though you tried to take advantage of me.”
    Her comment made me smile. “That’s where
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