Cast in Ice

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Author: Laura Landon
    “Enough!” she said with as much force as she could. But what if he was right? What if her mother overpowered one of the sisters and managed to escape? What if she made her way to London? How could they explain that the Duchess of Townsend had miraculously returned from the dead? Her father wouldn’t hesitate to have her arrested for murder, and if he didn’t, Mack Wallace and Nick Stillman would. How would her family survive the scandal? How would Anne survive losing the love of her life?
    Winnie reached out against the cement railing to steady herself. She had to make sure her mother could never escape from Saint Christina’s. She’d send a message to the sisters first thing in the morning, demanding that they hire several men whose sole purpose it was to guard the patient known as Agatha Filbert. She’d insist that they hire the best people available, no matter the cost.
    That meant she’d have to visit The Dove again to get the money she needed, not only the money she needed to pay the blackmailer, but now enough to pay guards.
    She lifted her hand and placed her fingers against her temple. Her head pounded. She needed to get away from Nick Stillman. He could ruin everything.
    Winnie took a step away from him, only to realize that he had his hand on her arm and was holding her steady.
    “Are you all right?”
    There was a tinge of alarm in his voice. A frown covered his forehead, and when he looked at her, his eyes contained a hint of concern.
    “How could I be all right,” she answered. “Do you think I enjoy talking about my mother like this? It has only been a year since she’s been gone.”
    “My apologies, my lady. Tonight was neither the time nor here the place to bring up such a topic.”
    “There will never be an appropriate time or place to bring up something so unpleasant.”
    “Again, my apologies.”
    Winnie turned to leave, but his words had unsettled her more than she wanted to admit. She felt light-headed and she stumbled when she took her first step.
    He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her for a moment. She refused to allow him to affect her in any way. She refused to consider him in any regard except for the threat that he was—to her and her family. She needed to stay as far away from him as possible.
    She allowed him to escort her back inside the ballroom, and headed for her family. Thankfully, when inside, Viscount Rummery motioned that he needed to speak with his nephew, and Nick Stillman excused himself.
    “My lady,” he said, turning away from them. But the focused expression on his face made it obvious that he didn’t consider the topic of her mother closed.
    “Mr. Stillman.”
    Winnie watched him walk away from her, then turned to her family when she heard her father’s voice.
    “I’m glad you’ve returned, Winnifred,” her father said. “Ben and Rachael were just about to leave.”
    Winnie turned to Ben. “Would you mind taking me home?”
    “Of course not.”
    “Are you sure you want to leave already?” her father asked. “The night’s still young.”
    Winnie smiled at the happy picture of her sister and the Earl of Montroy taking circles on the dance floor. “For Anne, yes. But I’m quite tired, and feel the beginning of a headache coming on. You stay with Anne, Father. Let her enjoy her evening.”
    “As if I had a choice,” he said. “I’m sure she’d be quite put out with me if I even suggested we leave already.” He looked at Winnie and a frown creased his forehead. “Are you all right?” he asked. “You look a little pale.”
    “I’m just overly tired. I’ll be fine once I lie down. Tilly will take good care of me. I’ll be asleep long before Anne allows you to drag her home.”
    The Duke of Townsend laughed. “I may never be the same after this Season,” he said, feigning fatigue. “Promise you won’t lead me on such a merry chase when you’ve found the man of your dreams, daughter.”
    “Oh, that’s one promise I
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