Author: DPM Morton Walker
Tags: General Fiction
microbiologist. Sufferers of sickness who took the therapies Beljanski had perfected merely had expressed love, gratefulness, and felt pride in his being a Frenchman. Their feelings result from the great good he has brought to the world.
    “For users of his supplements,” continued the journalist, “Dr. Beljanski is a medical hero! My conclusion is correct inasmuch as he has prolonged the life of France’s most famous man at the time—our republic’s president. It’s now known that during that same two-year period of my personal journalistic investigations, Fran ç ois Mitterrand, then President of the French Republic, swallowed Beljanski’s skillfully prepared plant extracts. He took the herbals to save himself from dying of prostate cancer,” Monsieur Le Perlier then confided in me.
    “In an important French magazine, Paris Match , President Mitterrand responded to the media’s criticism of therapy he was receiving for his prostate gland. He assured members of the press and his critics that a medical doctor in Versailles administering prostate gland treatment to him performed a vital service by use of the nonconventional supplements he was dispensing. These products, which he left unnamed, were allowing Mitterrand to survive through his second term of seven years as France’s President.” However Mitterrand’s attending physician, Dr. Gubler, in his book Le Grand Secret , explicitly revealed that Mitterrand was indeed benefitting from Beljanski’s extracts. For some unknown reason, the French president stopped taking the extracts sometime in 1995. He died January 8, 1996.
    Le Perlier’s First-Hand Experience
    Le Perlier continued, “My newspaper’s publisher approached me and declared, ‘You really are idiotic in trying for all these many months to write columns entirely negative about Beljanski’s work when the President of our French Republic is taking his same supplements. If Beljanski’s products are good enough for Fran ç ois Mitterrand, why are they not best for the French people?’
    “Of course, Minute’ s publisher did not know that my friend, the pharmaceutical company executive vice president, had set me on this path of negative investigation,” explained the journalist. “I was acting in accordance with the pharmaceutical industry’s request to write something critical about Beljanski. How could the publisher comprehend what he cited as my idiocy?
    “Subsequently, the entire tone of our newspaper’s journalistic approach to this medical story changed to the positive. The task was taken away from me and transferred to other reporters so that a very large feature article about Beljanski was published prominently in Minute .
    In contrast, as its exposé theme,” Le Perlier said proudly, “this new feature stated that the true scandal is that Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine (CAIM) is being received by the president of our French Republic as his personal choice for cancer therapy.
    “The published feature article in my newspaper unabashedly stated that ‘the cancer causation and medication discoverer, Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D., is undergoing constant attack by the Order of French Pharmacists. The druggists’ pharmacy association has falsely accused him of making claims for a cancer cure, practicing medicine without a license, and stealing away their pharmaceutical sales.’ It was a true exposé piece about greedy druggists rather than describing a charlatan and quack named Beljanski. The value of Beljanski’s research was not even questioned. Thus, late in 1995 a positive and uplifting news feature about Dr. Beljanski was printed in Minute . The effect was that certain ill people or their loved ones clamored to receive Beljanski’s products.”
    As you can imagine, I was sitting on the edge of my seat at all that Monsieur Le Perlier had related to me. I was beginning to understand that these supplements are currently distributed throughout Europe and in North
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