Camp Alien

Camp Alien Read Online Free PDF

Book: Camp Alien Read Online Free PDF
Author: Pamela F. Service
blushed a bright, happy red.

    It was my turn next, but the campers were getting pretty restless, so I raised my voice and threw my arms around like I was on stage.
    â€œListen up, Nature Nuts! Now comes the exciting Magic Stone Quest. Duthwite is a rare rock that can only be found near here. We’re going out and looking for it!”
    â€œLooking for rocks at night?” some kid called. “Give us a break!”
    â€œAh, that’s the best time to find Duthwite. By day, it looks like this.” I held up one egg Vraj had lent me and shone my flashlight on it. It looked like a dirty potato.
    â€œSo it’s a rock. Big deal,” that kid said.
    â€œBut at night, it looks like this!” I switched off my flashlight. The “rock” glowed a spooky blue-green.
    â€œOooo,” everyone said.
    â€œNow, we’re going to look for them. The person who finds the most wins this huge bag of candy!”
    I held up the bag my mom had given me to share with my cabinmates. My particularcabinmates hadn’t inspired me to share much, but this was a good cause.
    We all trooped over the ridge into the rocky valley, twenty-five kids and three counselors. This army of Nature Nuts spread over the hillside and soon began finding “Duthwite.” Even the counselors were having too much fun to call it quits. But after a couple of hours, the finds became fewer and the younger kids were tiring, so we trooped back to our hillside camp. After the counselors checked each kid’s take, the prize went to a shy kid named Ted who suddenly had a lot of friends.
    Once the campfire was going, the others roasted marshmallows and sang songs while I counted the eggs and stuffed them into sacks. Eighty exactly. We’d only missed one! Vraj could find that one on her own. As for me, it was Mission Accomplished.
    After everyone had quieted down and crawled into their sleeping bags, I looked up at the countless stars spangling overhead. A shooting star streaked silently across the others,disappearing behind the trees. Out there, some people were wondering if a couple of alien agents down here were doing their job. And we had! Vraj would get the eggs out of here, the mysterious danger they posed to Earth would be gone, and aliens would leave me alone for a while. Maybe I could even start enjoying this camp, horses or not.
    Which goes to show that when things seem too good to be true, they usually are.

Back at camp the next morning, I stored the sacks of “Duthwite” in a closet at Nature Nuts House, and that night I reported briefly to Vraj. She planned to search that night for the last egg, collect the others, and leave Earth.
    So the following morning, when Muskrat reported anxiously that someone had stolen my Duthwite, I was hardly surprised, though the way the closet door had been smashed in just confirmed that Vraj was an inconsiderate, or at least impatient, jerk. But anyway, all that wasbehind me now, so I was determined to focus on actually being at camp.
    Our activity that morning had us sitting at the tables by the Nature Nuts House and making baskets from reeds we’d collected in the swamp. Mine looked like a nest that birds had rejected. Opal was actually sitting with other friends she’d been making. I was happy to be sitting by myself at a table by the edge of the woods.
    When I came back to the table from getting more reeds, another kid had joined me. His basket looked pretty good, but I couldn’t see his face under his pulled down hat. His thin fingers were weaving reeds like lightning. Thin fingers with long claws.
    â€œVraj?” I whispered, peering under the hat. “I thought you’d be gone by now!” She grimaced with all her teeth. The shirt fit oddly and her tail must have been tucked into the baggy pants.
    Sticking her mouth frighteningly close, she hissed. “The Gnairt are back. They stole allthe eggs you found from your Nature Nuts closet and hauled
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