Camouflaged (Hiding From Love #0.5)

Camouflaged (Hiding From Love #0.5) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Camouflaged (Hiding From Love #0.5) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Selena Laurence
Tags: E.M. Tippetts Book Designs
that happened earlier?”
    “The you-trying-to-seduce-me part,” she snapped.
    “That wasn’t even close to me trying to seduce you. That was just a tiny bit of flirting. If you want to see me try to seduce you, let’s step into the back room of the DFAC and I’ll give you a personal demonstration.”
    “Do you ever stop?” she asked, her voice rising. “Do you ever stop and think about the other person in the equation? You could be doing all sorts of damage and not have any idea, because you’re so focused on ‘winning’ that you don’t care about the collateral damage.”
    “Whoa, whoa, there, Alexis. Slow down. I guess I’m not as bright as the school system told me because I have no idea what you’re talking about. Collateral damage? What the fuck? I flirted with you a little, stood too close. I didn’t even kiss you for Christ’s sake,” I said as quietly as I could, considering my level of agitation.
    She huffed out a breath, and when she did, I couldn’t help but notice the way her breasts swelled in her t-shirt. They were the most perfect pair of breasts I’d ever seen, and believe me, I’d seen a few.
    “Look,” she said in a soft voice now. “What happened earlier? Well, everyone’s talking about it all over camp, thanks I guess to Megan and that Jefferson guy.”
    “And you’re what? Totally ashamed that a jerk like me got to you and everyone knows it?” I narrowed my eyes at her. I shouldn’t have cared that she was embarrassed by what happened. I’d never cared if a girl respected me before, but for some reason, the idea of her being ashamed of being seen with me took a little nick out of my heart.
    She shook her head. “No. It’s not that. I don’t care what people think, except that there are people here who know me back in Austin.” She paused. “People who know my boyfriend back in Austin.”
    I felt my gut clench.
    Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
    A boyfriend.
    I took a breath and squared my shoulders. She couldn’t know that bothered me. No fucking way would anyone know that bothered me.
    “Well, hey, I’m sorry about that, babe. But really, it was harmless. I’m sure Romeo will understand once you explain it was the asshole playboy of the camp who was putting the moves on you. You don’t have to tell him how much you liked it,” I said as I stepped closer and lowered my voice even further.
    “Stop it,” she hissed. “Just . . . God. I knew you wouldn’t get it.” She started off toward her tent, and I stood there without following. But I did watch her until she was safely inside.

    I woke the next morning with the headache from hell. I hadn’t slept worth a damn, and knowing I had to spend the whole day following Alexis as she did surveys of local conditions didn’t help any. I felt like crap. I wasn’t sure what was worse—the fact that I was responsible for upsetting her the night before or that she had a damn boyfriend. Either way, I knew I owed her an apology, and the sooner I got it over with, the better.
    After layering on all my MultiCam for the day, I walked to Alexis’s tent and gave a holler. “Good morning, ladies. Are you ready for breakfast?”
    Megan popped her head out the flap and smiled at me. “Jeff is coming for me in a few minutes, but Alexis already took off for the DFAC.”
    Great. Only seven a.m. and I was already in dereliction of duty. “Thanks,” I said to Megan as I turned to hurry my ass over to breakfast.
    When I walked in, I spotted her right away, deep in conversation with the scrawny guy she’d been fussing at the very first time I saw her. I went to the line, got my tray and a cup of coffee, and then walked to her table.
    She and the guy seemed to have exhausted their conversation, and neither looked too happy.
    “Hi, Ms. Garcia,” I said in my most polite soldier voice. “You were supposed to wait for me to come escort you to breakfast.”
    “Oh, sorry, I guess I forgot,” she answered, gesturing to the empty seat at the
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