Calling Me Back
“I guess that’s it. These things are important to me. It’s what I want from my life, a family, and if you can’t give that to me then . . .”
    She didn’t have to finish. I understood. I had a month until my life changed forever, whatever decision I made.
    Richard looked at me across the table, his eyes narrowing slightly. We were in his favorite French restaurant. It was a little masculine for my taste—dark, with oak paneling and almost black wood floors—but Richard was greeted like an old friend here, which he liked. The waiters fussed over us and nothing was too much trouble. Sometimes it felt as if we were dining with the staff as well as each other.
    “It was nice to meet Luke,” he finally said.
    I’d been waiting for him to mention our run in. Had he seen us holding hands? I nodded and took another spoonful of my soup to avoid responding to him.
    “I didn’t realize you were meeting him for lunch.”
    I swallowed. Was he pissed off? “It was a last minute thing. Haven, Luke and I all grew up together. I told you that.”
    “Yeah. You’re still very close,” he said.
    I wasn’t sure if it was a question or an observation, so I kept silent, concentrating on my soup.
    “It’s nice,” he added.
    “It is. We’re like a little family.”
    He nodded and smiled a wide, generous smile. He wasn’t jealous, apparently. He seemed to like whatever made me happy. He wanted what was good for me and that felt nice, healthy.
    “How was work?”
    “Good. I’m getting used to things now.” Richard hadn’t been at the hospital I worked at long. “Megan’s been showing me the ropes.”
    “Megan?” I asked.
    “Yeah, Megan Fable.” He rolled his eyes and grinned.
    Yeah, I bet she was. Megan was a notorious flirt and desperate to land a doctor. She had no end of male attention, but somehow she’d never managed to get serious with anyone.
    “That’s good,” I said. “I’m glad you’re settling in.”
    “She’s a bit of a flirt. I mean, wow.”
    I laughed. “A little bit.”
    “She’s a pretty girl, but not my type.”
    I realized he was heading off any jealousy I might have if I found out they were working together. It was a kind thing to do. I smiled at him. “She’s very pretty.”
    “Not as pretty as you.”
    “Richard.” I wasn’t used to all this flattery.
    “What? It’s true. You’re gorgeous.”
    “You’re not so bad yourself.” I blushed. I was as terrible at giving compliments as I was at receiving them.
    “Are you playing rugby tomorrow?” I asked, changing the subject. Richard played for the hospital team.
    “Yeah and it’s a big night. You can come along if you like.”
    I liked watching rugby. Luke used to make Haven and I watch when we were younger, and it wasn’t a hardship seeing all the super-fit men in tight shorts get dirty and sweaty. “And be the only girl amongst you lot? I wouldn’t get out alive.”
    “That’s true. One of them would be bound to steal you away from me. I take it back. You can’t come tomorrow.”
    I laughed. He was sweet.
    “You have a beautiful smile,” he said, grinning at me.
    “Thank you,” I replied, trying to be a bit more gracious about his compliment than before.
    “Yeah, that dress suits you. But everything looks good on you.” My cheeks started to heat. Partly from his words, and partly because I was embarrassed that I was thinking about Luke saying at lunch that I looked good in everything. Had he meant that? Did he think I was attractive? I hadn’t had much time to change when I got home, so I’d just pulled on the nearest thing and put on some makeup. I never wore makeup to work.
    “Are you going to Haven’s on Sunday?” he asked.
    “Yeah, it’s my turn to cook. We used to alternate venues, but now it’s mainly at Haven and Jake’s because they have such an awesome kitchen. But we still take turns cooking.” I was looking forward to it. I loved to cook desserts, and I had a blueberry
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