God? I submit to you that if you consider the wording of the document you will notice that at no time did Yahweh forfeit his absolute ownership and therefore authority over any land. The earth is Yahweh’s and the fullness thereof. The world and those who dwell therein. In his allotment of the nations and their boundaries to the Sons of God he did not sign over the deed of absolute ownership. He is a landlord who has loaned the inhabitants the land. Simply put, the Sons of God and those under their authority are renters, not owners. The land has always remained Yahweh’s to distribute as he wills, when he wills. He is after all, as we already established, the emperor.”
He paused to change course. “But even so, his dispossession is not an arbitrary act of power. It is rooted in a moral and legal failure of the gods to fulfill their responsibility to the covenant, thus rendering the covenant null and void.”
The Watcher gods huffed again with contempt.
The Son of Man turned to them and prophesied, “How long will you judge unjustly, O gods, and show partiality to the wicked? Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. You have neither knowledge nor understanding, you walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. I said, ‘You are gods, sons of El Elyon the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince. Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!’”
Again, the plaintiffs rolled their eyes, muttered curses under their breaths , and made theatrical faces of disgust that made Mikael wonder how great was the gracious patience of Yahweh that he did not simply annihilate them in his presence.
The Son of Man continued, “What does the claim of victimhood, the protest of grievance, and the accusation of oppression tell us of the litigants, when they are made against the Creator and owner of the universe? Very simply, that they define everything against their own wills as oppressive and unfair, because they are the oppressors, they are the despots, they are the tyrants—every last one of them.”
The hubbub grew loud now from the plaintiff’s corner. The satan spoke up, “I object. Counsel has complained about me engaging in ad hominem attacks and yet that is exactly what he is doing now.”
The Son of Man addressed Yahweh, “Your honor, I am merely proving that the plaintiff’s claims are actually expressions of his own guilt.”
Yahweh Elohim said to the satan, “Overruled.”
The satan sat down, but not without grumbling, “ I am outraged and personally offended.”
The Son of Man moved on. “Now regarding the accusations of anger and wrath unbefitting the Creator and Judge, let me just say this: It is not the god who punishes that is cruel and wicked, but the god who does not. Because the so-called “god of love” who does not pay recompense on the evildoer multiplies and extends the suffering of the victim which multiplies and extends injustice. Compassion to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent. The god who does not punish evil is the god who inflicts evil.”
The Son of Man took a pause to prepare mentally for his next launch. “Now in reference to that punishment of ‘innocent’ Canaanites and the law of herem, or devotion to destruction, I have a series of points to address.”
“First, Yahweh is the creator and sustainer of every living thing. He gives life and he takes it away, blessed is the name of Yahweh. He owes no man, woman, or child anything. So who can complain when something they do not own is taken from them by the one who owns it? And he takes it when he wills.
But I find it a bit of an oddity that the satan would argue that the actions of Yahweh toward women and children are cruel, when the Canaanites themselves kill women and children, and the gods of Canaan