by Reason of Sanity

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Book: by Reason of Sanity Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gene Grossman
cooking.” He doesn’t comment.
After we hang up, I reach for my copy of the thick Black’s Law Dictionary that always occupies a prominent position on my desk. Let’s see now, what were those things he’s being sued for?
    A message from Jack Bibberman comes in. He only had to make one stop on Vinnie’s case. Two cocktail waitresses confirm that the defendant was definitely in the bar where he stole the car from for at least six hours. Good! Now they won’t be able to point the finger at some other saloon. This case is going ahead right on track.
    I’ll be in court in a few days for that murder case arraignment, but something doesn’t compute. If I’m defending the bank’s insurance company against the claim of Mike Drago who slipped and fell there, how can the court appoint me to defend the guy who’s charged with killing him? I call Myra’s office. Maybe this is my chance to get off this losing case. I get put right through to her.
    “What is it Pete? I’ve got a lot of work piled up on my desk.”
“Well, I’m glad to see that you’re so busy. Maybe I can get out of your way on the murder case.”
“He wants to plead out?”
“No, I want to plead out. Out of this case. I think there might be a potential conflict here.”
“No way, Josè. If you want off this case, I’ll meet you in chambers. We can discuss it there and we’ll let Judge Axelrod make the decision. As far as I’m concerned, you and your client are both going down in flames on this one.”
    Judge Axelrod’s clerk shows us into his chambers. The judge cleared up his calendar early today, so he’s got some time to meet with us. He’s in a good mood. “What’s up people?”
    I start with my pitch. “Your Honor, first of all I’d like to thank you for appointing me to this case. It’s an honor to get on the capital crimes appointment list, but I’m afraid I’ve got a conflict on this one.”
    The Judge and Myra exchange glances. I get the sinking feeling that they’ve already covered this ground and I’ve already lost.
    “As I was saying, my client the Uniman Insurance Company has a vested interest in Mister Drago’s death. If he can’t appear and testify in his slip-and-fall case and the claim for pain and suffering doesn’t survive his passing, then it’s to the insurance company’s benefit to have him dead.”
    They both question me, almost in unison. “So?”
“So, if I win the murder case, it might mean that Drago did not die at the hands of another, which would mean that his death may have been a result of the slip-and-fall case. That’s against my insurance client’s interest. In other words, the better I do on the criminal case, the worse I do on the civil case.” The judge looks at me over his bifocals.
“Mister Sharp, you’ve appeared in my court on many occasions and I obviously approve of your talents as an attorney, or I wouldn’t have appointed you on this capital case. The county jail informed my clerk that you were refused an interview with your client, which tells me that he isn’t interested in assisting with his own defense. According to Miss Scot’s interview on the evening news, the prosecution has a videotape of your client committing the act with which he’s charged. In view of these two facts, I would say that the chances of your winning this case are slim and none… and Slim’s out of town.”
“Yes, your Honor, I agree it doesn’t look too good for the defense, but…” He cuts me off midsentence.
“There are no buts, counsel. No jury trial was requested on this case. It’s going to be heard by just me. And to tell the truth, I don’t think Siegfried and Roy could create an illusion of innocence in this matter. Now this doesn’t mean that my mind is already made up, because I haven’t seen any evidence yet, but if for some reason it doesn’t get admitted properly then you might have a chance. “I’m willing to risk that you’re not creating any conflict here and I’m also
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