While Dana’s advice was well-intended, Brendan reacted as though it had been a gross insult. “I am not stupid,” he replied in a voice more suited to yelling across a noisy barnyard than to conversing with a fine lady. “You needn’t treat me as though I were an ignorant fool.”
Grena had referred to him as surly, and Dana now understood why. How the man had twisted her question into grounds for a heated argument she didn’t know, but she would not respond in kind. Rather than tell him she expected far better of him, she decided to wait until they had returned home, where she could also make his duties clear.
Continuing as though he had not spoken rudely, Dana’s voice was soft with an inviting, musical lilt. “Saddle a horse while I tell Grena we are here. Do not keep us waiting, for we are needed at home.” Urging her mare past him, she dismissed the disheveled slave with a slight nod.
Rather than run to follow her orders, Brendan was so intrigued he remained at the gate to watch Dana approach her aunt’s home. She rode with a graceful ease he knew came from an innate skill rather than merely a desire to impress others, and that angered him all the more. He was disgusted with himself for not giving the good impression he had intended, but in his present wretched state he doubted it would have been possible with such a well-bred young lady. Grena had not told him why he was being sent away, merely that he was leaving that morning. In the past his situation had always gone from bad to worse, but now he wondered if his luck had finally changed, for surely the serene red-haired beauty would have a fine farm and many slaves. He would probably have little work to do.
When Brendan stood transfixed, studying Dana with an insolent gaze of which he did not approve, Erik quickly lost his temper. “Can you ride?” he asked caustically.
“Of course I can ride!” Brendan exclaimed proudly as he wheeled around to face the dark-haired stranger.
“Do not make the mistake of believing Dana’s sweetness covers a weakness of character or a lack of resolve. When she tells you to do something, do it immediately, not after you have daydreamed half the morning away. Now go get a horse and be quick about it,” Erik commanded firmly.
Brendan’s eyes narrowed slightly, for he was sorely tempted to yank the arrogant man from his horse to demonstrate just how little he liked taking orders. Since that was a show of pride he knew from bitter experience he could ill afford, he turned away and sprinted toward the stables, but he mouthed a silent string of obscenities all the way.
When Dana entered her home, Berit greeted her warmly, but as her cousin began to chat with her mother, the enterprising blonde slipped by them and hurried outside. In spite of her disappointment with their conversation the previous day, she was hoping that Erik had been the one to accompany her cousin. Seeing that he was, she waved excitedly. He returned the eager gesture by raising his hand in a lazy salute, and again disappointed her by remaining at the gate.
As she often did, Berit had dressed in blue. She had chosen a pale shade for her chemise, with a deep azure tunic whose vibrant color made the clear blue of her eyes dance with a bright sparkle. Knowing her garments were especially becoming gave her the courage to approach their handsome visitor.
“Good day,” she called out as she hastened across the distance which separated them, hoping that by the time she reached Erik’s side she would have thought of some pressing subject for them to discuss.
Sorry that she had not reacted to the lack of enthusiasm in his greeting and returned to her house, Erik slid down off his horse, then took the precaution of giving the sleek black gelding a quarter turn so their conversation could not be observed by curious eyes. “Good day,” he responded, and taking her hand, he led her around behind his mount.
Thrilled to find that he
Sonu Shamdasani C. G. Jung R. F.C. Hull