Burning Justice

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Book: Burning Justice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leighann Dobbs
Evangeline Barrows. I had a pretty good idea things were not as they seemed when it came to her, and I couldn’t wait to return her money.

Chapter Four
    A rtemis had looked up Evangeline’s address and, the next morning while he was still deep in sleep mode in the living room corner chair, I hopped into my personal transportation vehicle and headed to her house.
    I left during morning rush hour on purpose. Even though I hated battling the traffic in my stuffy, cramped little PTV, I wanted to get the money back as soon as possible, but also time it so her husband would have already left for work.
    I didn’t want to raise any questions with her spouse. Better to just return the envelope and have no more to do with her.
    Battling the traffic put me in a bad mood. My PTV was an older model and it didn’t have hover capabilities, so I was stuck down on the pavement while the more expensive models floated up into the air, staying up just long enough to pass those of us crawling along on the ground.
    Higher up in the cloudless, blue sky, I could see the black dots of drones making their morning deliveries. I felt sorry for the recipients.
    It was a perfect fall day. Bright sun streamed in through the bubble that comprised my roof and windshield, heating my vehicle to temperatures that would allow me to roast a turkey.
    I put the windows down to enjoy the fall breeze and keep myself from baking as I made my way out of the city. Evangeline lived in one of the more affluent sections of town and, judging by her address of 21 Lake Street, she was lucky enough to live right on Green Ridge Lake.
    Once I got out of the heavy traffic and onto the country roads, I engaged the autopilot and let the car drive itself. I didn’t dare do that in heavy traffic since the vehicle had a history of glitches that had resulted in several minor fender benders. It was best if I kept control of speed and steering when a lot of other cars were around. Out on the open roads, I could enter in the address and let the car find its own way without any mishaps.
    I sat back and enjoyed the scenery. Out here, the houses had nice big lawns dotted with colorful flowers. The leaves were still mostly green, with just a tinge of yellow and orange starting at the top and on some of the less healthier branches.
    I came to the crest of a hill and looked down at the blue lake gleaming like a jewel, the sun sparkling off shallow waves. I felt a stab of envy of Evangeline, even if she was having trouble with her husband.
    Since Artemis and the ladies had verified my own suspicions about accepting Evangeline’s job, I felt confident I was doing the right thing. For me, at least. Evangeline seemed like she might be a little bossy and high-strung and who needed that? Certainly not me, and I felt confident nothing was going to happen to her—she was just being paranoid.
    When I turned onto her street, I was feeling pretty good about my decision. I pulled the envelope out of my tote in preparation. I was clutching it in my hand when I noticed three cop cars and a fire engine gathered in front of a large house.
    My carefree mood turned gloomy. This had to be a really strange coincidence. My gaze snapped to the GPS. No, it couldn’t be … but it was. The cars were directly in front of 21 Lake Street—Evangeline Barrows house.
    The acrid smell of burning wood and plastic filled the air. My stomach swooped as my transportation vehicle pulled up to the house amidst flashing blue police lights and bright red fire trucks.
    “Looks like a wee bit a’ trouble.” Agatha, my navigation system piped up in her clipped British accent. I was actually surprised she hadn’t said anything on the way over. She could be annoyingly chatty but was also moody, so you never knew when you were going to get a weather report, scenic tour or argument out of her.
    “Yeah, I guess there was a fire.”
    “Coincidence? I think not.” Agatha’s tone was stern. “Best we leave and come back
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