Burning Flowers
was left of the front counter. He looked so laid back. “So, it
looks like your electrical wiring has needed some updating for a
while as well as the circuit breaker. Basically, the outdated setup
couldn’t handle everything you were running in here. Did you add
anything recently? Because my bet is on those two freezers.” He
pointed at the two that were on the side where the fire
    “We did just add those for this season. We
usually only have those other two.” Clarke pointed to the freezers
on the other side of her, and Vince nodded.
    “Okay, well, normally when there’s an
overload the breaker should alert you, but it obviously didn’t.
That means you have some worn out connectors on there that need to
be addressed as well. The overload triggered the fire. So, you can
either back down on the appliances you’re using, or I can update
the wiring. Either way, I need to fix the breaker box connectors.
I’ll also have to clean up the water and make sure there’s no mold
or mildew going on so I can fix that first. I can also clean up all
the smoke and soot and dispose of damaged property.”
    “And how much is all of that going to cost?”
she asked with her hands on her hips. It almost sounded like a
scam; like he was making up problems so she would pay for them. But
that was probably a response to the last guy who’d tried to cheat
her out of her money.
    Vince stood there for a moment, looking
around again like he was thinking about it before he finally
answered. “A couple thousand I think, maybe a little bit less
depending how bad some of the damage to the walls and floors are
and how cheap I can get parts.”
    “That’s it?” It was still a good chunk of
money, but it was definitely less than the first estimate. “When
can you start?” she asked, rummaging in her purse for an advance to
give him for supplies. Whatever she could do to make it go faster,
the better it would be for her.
    “Whenever you want me to start,” he
answered, running his fingers through his red hair before she
slapped down a few hundred dollars in his hand. Her fingers brushed
accidentally against his rough skin, and she pulled it back
    “You’re a lifesaver!” she exclaimed, ready
to give him a giant hug. “I’ll need you right away. It’s very
important I get the business running again. How long do you think
it will be?”
    “A couple of weeks,” he answered with a
crooked smile. “But once the serious stuff is taken care of, you
can probably open up for a few hours, and I can work around
customers. We’ll see. I’m going to head out and get some supplies
and be back. I have some free time and might as well get started
    Clarke watched him walk out, realizing his
walk definitely had some swagger to it. “Oh yes, we will see,” she
whispered to herself before heading over to the coffee shop. She
needed to eat and have some coffee in case she decided to stay all
night and supervise his work. She’d brought in some battery powered
lamps just in case. As great as he sounded, he was still not
licensed, and she couldn’t afford for him to make mistakes. And a
tiny part of her thought that watching him work would be quite fun
in those tight jeans he had on. He certainly had one night stand
written all over him.

Chapter Eight
    Clarke shot Vince the fifth annoyed look in an
hour. Her thoughts on him had been completely reversed as she stood
there and watched him work. He was no longer as attractive as he
was at first glance. He had been whistling the whole time and
seemed to be having fun while he worked at a disjointed pace. There
didn’t seem to be any rhyme or rhythm to what he was doing, and he
completely ignored any flirting that had come his way. She’d pretty
much given up on him. She would fire him for it if she didn’t need
him to fix everything up so badly. But the way he was working, she
wasn’t even sure he would do a good job.
    She was about ready to leave and give him
the key
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