Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link?

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Book: Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link? Read Online Free PDF
Author: R. E. Sherman
with the Spirit of God. The goal is to love God and all people and to gain eternal life in heaven.
2. Journey of the Soul
Repeated reincarnation. Life is largely predetermined by past lives’ karma. One has little free will, and it is very hard to work off bad karma.
Resurrection once to eternal life.
    Free will is pervasive. God can quickly forgive all past and future deeds that create bad karma.
3. Accessibility to Liberation
Only a very select few attain it.
Readily available to everyone.
4. Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness
These concepts are foreign to Buddhism.
God is eager to extend these and people should, too.
5. Losing One’s Self and Dealing with Suffering
The goal is to become detached. The existence of the soul is an illusion.
The goal is to lose the self in a relationship with a personal God. The soul is eternal.
6. Works vs. Faith
One reaches enlightenment through meditation and right living.
Salvation is by faith alone.
7. Being a Follower
Truth lies deep within. Follow Buddha’s example and teachings.
Sin lies within; Jesus is the Truth. Follow the Holy Spirit and the Bible.
8. Many Paths vs. One Path
Many paths are possible: Buddha is only one of many enlightened ones. Occult beliefs and practices are okay.
Jesus, who is divine, is the only way to God. All occult beliefs and practices are evil and forbidden.
9. Nature of the Universe
The universe always existed. All is one. All conscious beings (humans and animals) are basically equal.
God created the universe. Reality has two opposite natures. There is a clear hierarchy among beings.
10. Women
Men are almost always superior to women.
Women are frequently regarded as being equal, or nearly equal, to men.

    Given the contrasts highlighted above, it would be difficult to see how someone could be both a Buddhist and a Christian at the same time. These are not minor issues that could easily be compromised. Instead, they are major tenets of each religion that are mutually exclusive. The reality is that both religions are very narrow, but in radically different ways. The narrowness of Buddhism, which is its ultimate impracticality, is highlighted in number 3 above. Thenarrowness of Christianity, which is its doctrinal intolerance, is underscored in number 8.
    In the discussion below, we look in detail at each of these areas of contrast.

Major Contrast #1: What It Is All About


A method of right living and self-guided mind control via meditation modeled by Buddha. The goal is to be freed from reincarnation and suffering. God is not relevant to one’s ability to do this.
A personal relationship with God’s crucified and risen Son, Jesus, that empowers believers with the Spirit of God. The goal is to love God and all people and to gain eternal life in heaven.

    Buddhism is all about the practitioner eliminating himself or herself in an effort to escape being reborn as another sentient (conscious) being, either animal or human, struggling in a world full of suffering. The Christian, in contrast, believes that God has a unique plan for each individual. God wishes to bless each individual and has given gifts, talents, and opportunities to each person. To the extent the believer seeks God’s involvement in his or her life, its scope can go far beyond the basic assurance of salvation to the cultivation of a personal, interactive relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. One may suffer for a time, but God works everything together for good and gives the believer peace and joy in the midst of suffering. 2
    Buddha’s entire approach to spirituality intentionally deferred (or avoided) theological issues. He did this to put the focus on what he believed was the highest priority—finding a humanistic way to bring an end to suffering. He explained this in a parable, which Huston Smith summarized as follows:
    It is as if a man had been wounded by an arrow thickly smeared with poison, and his friends and kinsmen were to get a surgeon to heal him, and
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