the original settlers had a family design. Something they chose to represent themselves. Each pathway to a house is labeled with their crest. Our ancestor planted rice and had four sons and two daughters, so our sign is a sheaf of rice, two red stalks for the daughters and four golden ones for the sons.”
Kiri pointed to another symbol, this one on the side of the tunnel. “At each join of a pathway to the main tunnel, you will see this symbol on the wall. The horse is always walking toward the community center. If you walk in the same direction as the horse, you are going to the center. By turning your back on the horse you are going toward your home.”
“Such a very simple idea, yet so clear. And much prettier than street signs,” said Chevaunne.
“One hundred years ago, not everyone could read and write. One of the earliest priorities of the settlers was to establish a school for the children,” explained Paul.
As they walked along the pathway, Kiri and Shiloah chattered about the community with Anh, interrupting them each time they passed a side tunnel or pathway to point out the signs. Chevaunne doubted if she’d remember all the information, but she appreciated their helpfulness and was gaining a genuine respect for these people. Everything was so simple to follow, yet so organized.
Jim moved up to walk beside her. “I need to explain what happens at the wedding ceremony.”
Chevaunne nodded, suddenly worried she may make an idiot of herself by doing something culturally inappropriate.
“We’re going to the temple. There in the courtyard, Father Yeshe will lead us through our vows and giving the gifts.”
“Do I have to say anything? What if I get it wrong?”
Paul held her hand. “You say, ‘I do.’ That should be easy enough to remember. The legalities are the same everywhere.”
“But there are three of you.”
“Yes. In the traditional ceremony, which comes first, we four marry each other, equal and indivisible. Then there is the legal section where you are married only to Jim since he is the oldest son,” replied Paul.
“One of the wonderful advantages for a woman having more than one husband is if you need support at any time and Jim isn’t able to be there, either Paul or I will be. You’ll never be alone and friendless, unsupported, Chevaunne. One of us will always be there for you. In the outside world, it will usually be Jim. But if for some reason he can’t be there, I will be, or Paul. Always.”
“You said something about gifts. I don’t have any gifts to give you. And you’ve already given me this beautiful belt.” Chevaunne let her fingers settle on the engraved buckle.
“There are traditional gifts the men give their bride. When the time comes for you to light incense to our ancestors, Anh, Kiri, and Shiloah will give you the incense sticks. You light them from our wedding candle, and Father Yeshe will show you where to put them.” Jim smiled down at her, making her heart leap at the tenderness and possession in his eyes.
“Don’t stress, beautiful lady. It will all be quite simple and obvious at the time.”
“And we’ll guide you through it,” added Shiloah, “kind of like bridesmaids do.”
Kiri giggled. “We’d be happy to help you afterward , too.”
“And George and Wang will be happy about that because—?” Anh chided her.
“If they don’t hurry up and choose me, I shall look elsewhere. Kevin and Jesse are pretty cute,” Kiri retaliated.
Chevaunne stopped listening to the women and looked around. The tunnel was wide enough for a car or truck to drive down with lots of wider places where vehicles could pass each other. It was as bright as day with strips of light fittings in the roof, and the walls constantly changed color, the paint blending from shade to shade—blues to greens, to yellows, to pinks, to purples, and back to blues again. Ahead, she could see what appeared to be a major intersection with other pathways entering from both