BROKEN Read Online Free PDF

Book: BROKEN Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kimberley Reeves
light hearted outlook on life, the physical passion they shared.  
    She liked how being needed made her feel , and found a great deal of happiness in knowing she was able to help him when no one else could.   Maybe Kincaid wasn’t the most giving man, but she knew in her heart that he had given more of himself to her than any other woman he’d ever been with.   No, it wasn’t the forever after kind of love, but for now it was enough.
    Jessie rose up on one elbow.   “It’s almost dawn, did you get any sleep at all?”
    “Actually, I slept better last night than I have for ages.   I only woke up about an hour ago but couldn’t seem to get back to sleep.”
    “I need to get up and start breakfast for the boys soon .  W ould you like to join us?”
    Mitch grimaced.   Jessie wanted him to call a truce with Del , but he couldn’t seem to control the animosity he felt for the man.   The other problem was that Adam had known all of the ranch hands and though he’d described the men and some of their peculiar habits, Mitch didn’t think he could recognize more than one or two of them based on the stories he’d heard.   What if one of them asked questions he couldn’t answer?   What if they referred to one of Adam’s previous visits and Mitch was unable to bluff his way through the conversation?  
    No, it was better not to tempt fate.   He didn’t want to raise any suspicions that he wasn’t Adam , and that’s exactly what would happen if he put himself in a room full of men he’d supposedly known for three years.     He looked at Jessie’s hopeful face, knowing he was going to upset her , but what choice did he have?  
    “I’m not really up to it today, sweetheart.”
    “I understand,” she said, not quite able to squelch her disappointment.   “ Look, Kincaid , I know you’re not thrilled with the idea of dining at the same table as Del, but Hank and Kenny and some of the other boys have been asking about you.   They’re beginning to wonder why you seem to be going out of your way to avoid them.”
    “I’m not avoiding them, Jess .  I’m just not ready for anyone’s company but yours.”
    Jessie didn’t bother trying to persuade him any further , but it disturbing that he didn’t at least have breakfast with everyone.   He’d always refrained from joining them for meals during the first couple of days so she hadn’t given it much thought.   But when he continued to decline her pleas to come downstairs and say hello to everyone, she began to worry that maybe this time she wouldn’t be able to help him bounce back.  
    He’d always enjoyed the camaraderie at mealtimes in the past, but now he didn’t seem to want anything to do with them.   She had to figure out some way to keep Kincaid from secluding himself inside the house with only her for company.   She would have to put some serious thought into it, but it would have to wait.   Right now she had work to do.     With a sigh of resignation, Jessie threw the covers back and climbed out of bed.  
    “I’ll bring your plate up after I’ve taken care of the boys,” she told him as she pulled on a pair of jeans and light cotton shirt.  
    “You’re upset with me,” he said despondently.
    She crossed the room and sat down on the edge of the bed next to him.   “I’m not upset, but I am worried.   It’s not like you to keep everything bottled up for so long , or to avoid the boys’ company.”   She leaned over and gave him a swift kiss then stood up, coming to a decision.   If Kincaid wouldn’t leave the house on his own, she would just have to force his hand.   “I have some work to do on the ranch so I’ll be gone most of the day.”  
    Mitch eyed her for a moment, certain this was some sort of punishment for not coming down to breakfast.   “Let me know when you’re leaving, I’ll go with you.”
    “No, you stay here and rest.   I’m just riding fence today and can take one of the boys with
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