Brianna's Navy SEAL

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Book: Brianna's Navy SEAL Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Damschroder
thank you.” She stretched the few inches between them and kissed him a final, decisive kiss. “Tomorrow."
    Driving away, knowing he was behind her, Brianna thought maybe tomorrow was all she needed, after all.

    Cable slowed his truck as the flagman in the middle of the road ahead of him spun his sign from “Slow” to “Stop.” He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel while a crew offloaded a backhoe from a flatbed. Or rather, while six guys stood around watching the driver maneuver the machine off the truck. It took long enough to back up a dozen cars in each direction. In Brook Hollow, that was a lot at six in the morning.
    He wondered if Brie was on her way in yet, and if she ever stopped at the coffee shop on the square before school for a decent coffee before settling for the bitter, watery stuff that was all they seemed capable of at school. He liked the idea of sharing a routine. Or building one together, if they didn't already have the same habits. But when he finally made it past the corner—he hoped they weren't starting a major project that would foul traffic every damned morning—he didn't see Brianna's Jetta anywhere on the road or parked near the café.
    The little business was packed full, and he was glad he'd come early. He had to be at school by seven, and if the line moved slowly, he'd just make it. He waved back at the paint guy and the lady from the education store, both of whom looked delighted to see him. He hoped the paint guy's sister wasn't here. It was far too early for fending off predatory females.
    Glancing around, he grabbed a newspaper and got in line. No familiar blond head, though he did see several other faces he knew. Maybe he'd just invite Brianna to join him tomorrow, instead of hoping like some teenaged geek that she'd be here.
    The headlines were the usual dire predictions and references to the world's hot spots. Cable often read those articles and imagined his teammates there, remembering old ops and planning what he'd do if he was leading a team now. Today, though, he wasn't interested. He felt further removed from all of that than he had in the years since he'd retired, and he took that as a good sign. A lot of guys didn't take to civilian life very well. He flipped to the local section and looked for more pertinent stories.
    "Well, I think it's just plain wrong of the town council to allow her to start digging. They should have a community meeting to discuss whether or not we even want one, for goodness sake."
    The woman's strident tone had Cable looking up and assessing the situation. Several people surrounding one mousy-looking woman in a gray cardigan were nodding, and no one but her looked upset, so he figured it wouldn't turn into a problem. Local politics heated tempers, but didn't usually generate violence.
    He looked back at his paper, but the group was close enough that he had trouble tuning out their conversation now that he'd tuned in.
    "She's been trying for years to get approval. The council will just say we had plenty of time to offer our opinions,” said an older man.
    "Why'd she come back, anyway?” a younger man asked, sounding like he was scowling. His back was to Cable.
    The line moved forward a couple of feet. The scrawny balding guy who'd come in behind Cable coughed and shuffled his feet.
    "Dunno. Maybe she wants another try at Jake McKenna,” someone said, and a few people laughed.
    "It's not funny,” said the cardigan woman. “She almost ruined his life."
    "Yeah, Karen, with your help."
    Cable glanced over as he flipped the page of his paper, and the woman's face looked pinched and rueful. “Well, I was as duped by her as the rest of you. We just don't need her kind in Brook Hollow.” She caught Cable's eyes as she said that, and blanched. He smiled, wondering if she thought they didn't need his kind, either.
    "Ignore her,” said the guy behind him. Cable turned. “She's a busybody. Everyone knows it.” He held out
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