Brianna's Navy SEAL

Brianna's Navy SEAL Read Online Free PDF

Book: Brianna's Navy SEAL Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Damschroder
see.” He showed Brianna the group crawling around on his fingers. “Good job,” she praised him. “But I caught nine."
    "Yeah, right.” He attacked her, trying to pry her hands apart.
    She squealed. “You're going to crush them!” She rolled away and opened her hands, shaking them to encourage the bugs to fly away. Most of them did.
    Cable loomed over her. “Cheater.” His features were in shadow with the only light behind him. She wondered what it would be like to witness him in the field, doing his deadly duty. He moved so lightly and easily, even being away from the job for as long as he'd been. She bet he was beautiful to see.
    "I didn't cheat."
    "Then why didn't you let me count them?” He focused on her mouth.
    "I—um—I...” She licked her lips, forgetting what they'd been talking about. Her heart thudded in her chest. Kiss number two, coming up.
    His elbows bent and his mouth met hers unerringly, even in the dark. This time his tongue joined in, coaxing, and she welcomed the deepening. It had been a long time since she'd been involved with a man. A long time since anyone had kissed her, or touched her, or held her. With a flash of awareness, she realized this could be what she'd been missing in her life.
    Startled, she let her head drop to the ground. Cable eased back.
    "What's wrong?"
    "Nothing.” Her pulse was racing. Her body felt electric, alive in a way she couldn't remember feeling, just from a simple kiss. Hell, she wanted more. “Come here.” She fisted her hand in his shirt and pulled him closer. He didn't resist but slid his arm under her, then rolled them so he cradled her in the crook of his other arm, off the ground. The kiss went on until Brianna lost track of time. Until full dark descended.
    Until a siren went off not twenty feet away, and a blinding light landed on them.
    Brianna jerked away from Cable and bounced to her feet. He was slower to move, and looked less guilty as a result. She shielded her eyes against the flashlight in her face and the red and blue bar on the car at the curb.
    "What's going on here?"
    "What did it look like, Officer?” Cable stood on her left and rested his hand on Brie's right shoulder. His words could have been belligerent but came out respectful and polite.
    "It looked like—Ms. Macgregor?"
    Brie squinted, and the officer lowered the light a little. “Mr. Downey?"
    "Uh, yeah. What—what are you doing?"
    "Catching fireflies. What are you doing?"
    "I thought I was reprimanding a coupla teenagers, but ... you're not who I would have expected."
    She smiled sheepishly. “I bet. Um, Cable Addison, this is Bob Downey. His son is in my class. Bob, Caitlyn will be in Cable's class next year. He's the new kindergarten teacher."
    "Oh. Okay. Well, nice to meet you.” He released his hand from his gunbelt and lowered the Maglight off his shoulder, reaching to shake Cable's hand.
    "You, too, sir. I look forward to teaching your daughter."
    "You two need to move along, now. It's getting late."
    Brie didn't think it was even much past eight o'clock, but figured it was better to do as he'd asked. Besides, they weren't teenagers. They had better places to make out.
    They said goodnight to Officer Downey and started walking back toward her parents’ house, where their cars were parked. They didn't talk, but Cable laced his fingers through hers, letting their hands sway between them. Brianna felt a contentment she would have denied being capable of just yesterday.
    When they got back to the house, Cable kissed her briefly at her car, holding the door while she climbed in.
    "I'll see you at school tomorrow,” he said, leaning down.
    "Oh.” Brianna concentrated on buckling her belt so he wouldn't see her disappointment. “Right. At school."
    "Yeah. And maybe you can come over for dinner tomorrow night?"
    She grinned. “Sounds good, if you can cook."
    "Of course I can cook. I was a SEAL.” He leaned further into the car. “Thanks for a nice night, Brie."
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