Branded Mage

Branded Mage Read Online Free PDF

Book: Branded Mage Read Online Free PDF
Author: D.W.
    By time they reached their destination his arm was tingling from stinted blood flow. When she let go to open the door to her office he quickly massage d his throbbing arm. Inside the room the floor was covered with piles of books, parchments, scrolls, and papers. The whole placed looked like something out of his imagination. Not even the walls were spared as they were covered with large amounts of papers, with only a hint of the brown background showing through.
    Meredith made her way to the back of the room and began clearing off one of the chairs in front of her desk. It was a slightly funny sight , as she didn’t know where she should stack them. After a few minutes of moving the books, he finally had a place to sit. That was only a minor success, as he could only see the top of her head over the mountain of books that covered her desk. Instead of moving the books off the desk she merely slid everything apart leaving a narrow path. It was like looking at her though a partly opened door.
    “Shall we start?”
    “Start what?” Thad asked confused.
    Meredith ’s brows furrowed as she taped her fingers on the desk. “At the beginning of your story, I want to know everything. Where you were born, what you did when you were younger, everything.”
    “What does my childhood have to do with magic?” He could understand her wanting to know about magic. It was a lost art, a scholar’s dream.
    She let out an exasperated sigh. “When you study something , you don’t just study one section of it. You study all of it. In this case you. How are we to know if your unique upbringing affected your ability to do magic unless we know what it is? Now for the first interview keep the information brief. If I need further information to clarify I will notify you.”
    Thad started by telling her of his time in at the slave academy. How he had trained endlessly in both military and academia studies. When he got to the point in his story where he found the book of magic in the broken down tower in the woods she began stopping him every few seconds with questions.
    Thad wasn’t sure how long he sat in the cluttered mess she called an office, but by time he finished his legs were hurting from sitting in the uncomfortable chair. Thinking the torture was over he stood, stretched, and began to turn around when Meredith raised a hand to stop him.
    “So do you think it is possible to train others to use magic?”
    Her question caught him by surprise. He had never thought of teaching anyone else how to perform magic. Thinking about it , he couldn’t see a reason why others couldn’t learn to use magic as long as they had the skill. “I believe so.”
    “Would you be willing to test some of our students , and maybe faculty to see if they could be taught?” Unlike her other questions this one brimmed with excitement.
    While teaching others sounded like a good idea , he didn’t want to start by only allowing the privileged class the opportunity to learn. “I want to pass along the knowledge, but I want it to be available to everyone equally. I will discuss the possibility of starting a magic school with the queen.”
    “Not exactly what I wanted to hear. It will take years to set up a proper school. What if something happens to you? All knowledge of magic would once again vanish from Kurt.” Meredith said pleadingly.
    Though he didn’t want to admit it, she had a point. “What if I have a copy of the book I found set aside so that if something happens to me, you will receive it?”
    Meredith tapped her fingers on the desk in a rhythmic pattern with a blank look on her face. After a few moments her fingers stopped and she ran her thin fingers through her hair. “Very well, I guess it is the best I can expect at the moment.”
    After they hammered out the details on how and when the book would be delivered , Meredith was kind enough to lead him through the maze of corridors back to the front door. When they parted she gave him a
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