Bound (Secrets of the Djinn)

Bound (Secrets of the Djinn) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bound (Secrets of the Djinn) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Lamer
the floor.  Brielle, gather up the things Roman needs,” Hank says.
    “When did I become the house nurse?” Brielle snaps.
    “When your granddaddy told you to be,” Mrs. Gregori says from the doorway, her tone more amused than anything.  Brielle rolls her eyes but leaves the room.  Hopefully in search of the whiskey.
    “Skye, I’m going to lift you up,” Roman tells me, carefully sliding his hands into position.
    With an edge of steel in his voice, Zane says, “I’ll carry her.”
    Roman looks up at him.  “No, you won’t.  There could still be serious damage to her shoulder and her arm can’t be jostled around.  I haven’t assess ed her for other injuries yet.  I want to make sure moving her from one place to another doesn’t make things worse.”  I think he’s being too dramatic, but I don’t say so out loud.  I don’t want to make things worse.
    “This ain’t no pissing contest, son,” Hank says, placing a hand on Zane’s shoulder.  “Let the doctor do his job.”
    If Zane’s face turns any redder, he could pass for a ketchup bottle.  “Fine,” is all he manages to say.
    Unconcerned about upsetting Zane, Roman goes back to what he was doing.  He’s right about my shoulder still being sore.  When he moves his hand underneath it, I have to hold back a hiss of pain.  Zane can see it on my face, though.  I wonder how much of my pain he can feel. 
    The jealous tension leaves his body and he’s back to being the concerned boyfriend. “What can I do to help?” Zane asks.  
    After a quick glance to make sure he’s being sincere, Roman says, “Get her bed ready for her.  Pile some pillows up so she’s at a forty-five degree angle and can drink.  I’m not going to do anything until she’s at least mildly drunk.”
    “Wish I’d come across a doc like you when I was injured,” Hank says, winking at me. 
    Zane leaves the room ahead of us.  In one swift movement, Roman lifts me from the floor and I manage to only whimper.  He carries me from the library to the elevator.   I press the button for the second floor with my good hand.  In a hushed voice, Roman asks, “Is something going on with you we should be concerned about?”
    I grimace as the elevator lurches into action.  “Except for the fact I’m a klutz, no.”  Roman isn’t convinced but he doesn’t say any more.
    When the elevator door slides open, he maneuvers me through it , managing to keep my injured limbs from being jarred too much.  He brings me to the room I share with Zane.  It’s almost exactly like the guest room I had when I first arrived with one important difference.  It’s not right next door to Roman’s room.  As much as it kills him I moved in with Zane, he appreciates not hearing the telltale sounds of our sex life.
    Zane is already in the room doing as instructed.  Roman carries me to the bed and lays me against the pillows.  I wince as my shoulder objects to having pressure against it once more.  I close my eyes and take several deep breaths, willing my body to relax.
    “Your lunch is served,” Brielle says.  She sets a bottle of whiskey on the nightstand along with a glass and some ibuprofen.  My empty stomach isn’t thrilled by the sight of either the pills or the alcohol 
    Brielle takes the glass to the bathroom and comes back with it full of water.  “Pills first,” she says, opening the small plastic bottle of ibuprofen.  She shakes out four pills and hands them to me.  I don’t worry about the fact it’s only been a couple of hours since I took my last four pills.  I pop them in my mouth and she hands me the glass of water.  For all her bitching about being a nurse, she’s not half bad at it.
    “Thank you.” 
    She sits down on the end of the bed.  “Hank’s right, something’s wrong.  Even you aren’t this big of a klutz.”
    “Gee, thanks.”  Her bedside manner needs some work.
    “Seriously.  You ’ve jogged that trail repeatedly, we all
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