Both of My Boyfriends (MMF Menage Story Bundle)

Both of My Boyfriends (MMF Menage Story Bundle) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Both of My Boyfriends (MMF Menage Story Bundle) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tatjana Blue
Tags: threesome, menage, BBW, menage a trois, cuckold, explicit sex, outdoor sex, dorm sex
and she gave me a
half-guilty little smile. Fucking Boliff. Jerk.
    I kept walking down to my room, after
giving her my best effort at a friendly smile back. It was just two
doors down, and my roommate Todd was out of town for a whole week,
so I was looking forward to a little peace and quiet for once. I
scooped up all of his clothes and shit, doing my best not to
breathe too close to them, and piled them up on his bed. Maybe I'd
throw his blanket over top of them to keep the stank down and keep
them out of sight.
    I turned on my laptop and left it
booting up, then opened the window, dropped down into my chair, and
realized I was already bored. I thought about Celine's little waist
again. She was a pretty thing with a tight and shapely body. I
could never quite imagine her lying underneath Boliff's mass of
muscle – he was a pretty serious soccer player and had damn
impressive legs, and lifted enough that his torso was acceptably
buff as well. There was no arguing that he was physically in great
shape, but I never liked the way he showed off; he was a little too
anxious for everyone else's acknowledgement. It was like he never
really stopped watching you and judging your reactions. Kind of
creepy, I found it.
    But he did get the ladies. Celine had
been with him for about six weeks now, which was actually pretty
long by his standards. I couldn't blame him, she was hot, but also
kind of sweet. Too sweet for him, I thought.
    I had left my door open a bit so that
the air blowing through from the window would freshen the place up,
but I guess Boliff saw this as an invitation, because he barged
right into the room, towing little Celine along with
    “ Yo buddy,” he said, “you
going down to the pub? We're heading out now that we finished up
here.” He gave me a big fat smirk.
    “ I'm good right now,” I
said, “probably head down in a while. Thought I might finish up
some laundry first.” Celine was hanging back behind him, just
barely into the room.
    “ Dare to dream,” he said.
“we're going to be down there for a while, so you should look for
    I craned my head around him to see
Celine. “I saw you at the intramurals,” I said, “you guys have
really tightened up your work. It looked way better than at the
start of the term.” I was trying to let her relax by talking about
soccer (that's how she and Boliff had met). She flashed a little
    “ Thanks,” she said. “Some
time in the past two weeks we hit like a new level. We might even
stand a chance this year.”
    Boliff interrupted her of course. “You
look for us okay? We're going to go down to...”
    He was interrupted himself by his cell
phone, which he jerked up out of his pocket with annoyance. “Hi,
what?” he said brusquely.
    He listened for a couple of seconds,
then said, “Oh fuck me. Assholes. I'll be there in a
    He said to the room in general,
“Someone tried to break into my car. That was Jim. I need to go see
if it's okay.”
    His car was something he really cared
about, so that was a given. He turned and headed out with barely a
look at the two of us. “Go ahead without me,” told her over his
shoulder, “Get a seat, save a table, I won't be too long.” He
didn't even wait for her to reply before he headed out down the
    Celine looked openly pissed for a
moment, before she turned around, walked into my room and shut the
    “ Find your own fucking
table! Dick,” she said and stood there with her arms crossed,
staring down at the floor. Then she looked up at me. “Hey Mike. How
are you feeling?”
    “ Good, pretty good.” I
said casually. I really wasn't sure what was up. Maybe she wanted
me to go down to the pub and keep her company.
    We sat there in awkward silence for a
moment. The she smiled again and there was a weird twinkle in her
    “ How do you feel about me
hanging around in your room just after Sean and I had sex?” she
    I tried to wave it off causally.
“Whatever,” I
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