Born in Twilight: Twilight Vows

Born in Twilight: Twilight Vows Read Online Free PDF

Book: Born in Twilight: Twilight Vows Read Online Free PDF
a dream.”
    Jameson stopped talking when she turned slowly, pinning him to the spot with her huge, black eyes. “Jamey, I had a dream…about you.”
    Eric lifted one brow at his wife’s statement, setting aside the book he’d been reading. A new one on quantum physics. “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”
    â€œI didn’t say anything the first time…but…I had it again, today.” She swung her gaze to Jameson’s, shaking her head sadly. “It wasn’t visual. Just a feeling. A horrible feeling that something’s going to happen to you, Jamey. Right here, in this city. So I’m not leaving. Not until you do.”
    Jameson lowered his head, seeing no sense in arguing with Tam. She’d been like a sister to him, even when she was mortal. Protective even then.
    â€œWell now,” Rhiannon purred, slinking across the room to stand beside Tamara with as much grace as that cat of hers. “I agree. We remain. If anyone touches Jameson, we…” She smiled that half smile that had been giving him wet dreams since the first day he’d laid eyes on her. “Take action,” she finished.
    Jameson grated his teeth. It didn’t matter that he was taller than Roland, or that his muscles were more firmly developed from hours in the gym than Eric’s had ever been. It didn’t matter that he’d found a gray hair amid the jet-black ones last week, or that he’d celebrated his thirtieth birthday the month before that. They’d always see him as a child in need of their protection. Always.
    He turned, stalked to the apartment door, picking up his coat on the way. “I’m going for a walk.” Then he looked back at them, his hand still on the doorknob. “And if any of you follow me, I swear to Christ, I’ll never come back.”
    â€œJamey!” Tamara rushed forward, grabbed his arm as if to stop him.
    â€œJameson,” he told her gently. “Look at me, Tamara. No, I mean really look at me. I’m not Jamey anymore.” She did, her ebony eyes racing over his face, tearing up as she nodded. He ran his hand through her dark curls, and then lowered his head to kiss her cheek. “Please understand, Tam. I just need some space, okay?”
    Her lower lip quivering, she nodded. “Be careful,” she whispered.
    â€œI’m always careful.”
    He turned and left the apartment.
    Â * * *
    He walked, alone and after dark, completely unafraid. Aside from his occasional run-ins with DPI, few people ever wanted to mess with Jameson once they’d looked him in the eye. He supposed the old anger showed there. And now, probably more than ever. Now that he’d been used, humiliated, as an adult this time, at their bloody hands. Oh, he knew about them. The way they’d had Tamara’s parents killed just so they could get their hands on her. Used her, from the time she was a little girl, as bait, knowing she had the antigen, and knowing, too, that sooner or later one of the undead would show up to check in on her.
    And when the one appointed to be her mortal guardian, kindly old Daniel St. Claire, had changed his mind, when he’d decided he couldn’t go through with the plot to use the child he’d raised as his own, they’d had him killed as well.
    They were ruthless, bloodthirsty animals. They hunted the undead like game, and when they found them, their experimentation techniques were utterly free of any hint of conscience.
    The bastards.
    Jameson wanted to know why they’d taken him this time. What kind of information they were seeking. Why they’d taken the particular specimens from his body that they had, and what they intended to do next.
    He wanted to know. But how could he find out? That was what he needed to think about, and he needed to think about it alone. Outside, with the fresh, snapping winter air keeping him sharp, and without all those concerned,
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