BLYSS (Blyss Trilogy #1)

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Book: BLYSS (Blyss Trilogy #1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: J. C. Cliff
told them to go easy on her; that’s why Jared gave the dumbasses the cocktail of paralytics!” He’s livid; his loud voice laced with menacing anger reverberates inside my head, and when I let out a helpless wince, he seems to realize the need to tone it down.  
    “Did you see this, Travis? She’s fuckin’ bruised all over her neck. Where the hell is Jared? Has he seen her?”  
    “Nick, calm down, man. Yes, she’s been looked after. I’ve been up all night taking care of her. It was close to one in the morning when one of the boys called me en route to the facility. He gave me a heads up about what transpired so we could have medical on standby. I had Jared meet me here before they even got her through the door.” Travis’ voice held a calm assurance, placating Nick, steering him away from his growing anger. I hear the men shuffling around beside me as the man with the rich baritone voice, Travis, continues to speak, inching his way closer to me.
    “Jared left me everything I need; all her meds are right here beside her and labeled to help her stay as comfortable as possible. I’ve kept her medicated through the night.”
    “What else did they do to her? I don’t even want to begin to imagine the things I can’t see,” Nick says with agitation mixed with anger.
    I hear a package crinkling beside my head, then I feel a cooling sensation snaking its way through my veins. At this point, I don’t care what they’re giving me as long as it puts me out of my misery.
    “The guys told me she put up one hell of a fight before they could put her out. They slammed her head around like a tetherball. She’s got a nice goose egg on the back of her head to prove it.”
    I hear the man, Nick, curse under his breath, but I can’t make out what he says.  
    “The second they brought her into the clinic, I had Jared examine her, start an IV, and a regimen of pain meds. I wanted to be prepared for any scenario by having the IV available, especially since we didn’t know the extent of her injuries.” Travis pauses, but then continues with disgust and a hint of ire lacing his voice, “Other than the fact her windpipe was damn near crushed, she’ll be black and blue for a bit. She was pretty shook up last night, but she will be all right. I wound up sleeping on the sofa last night anyway to make sure there were no complications.”  
    I hear more items being shifted around on the surface beside me. It’s interesting to hear about my kidnapping and the aftermath being told from a stranger’s perspective. I am relieved to hear I have no broken bones, and better yet, an unbroken skull. I’m even more fascinated and curious as to why these men seem to be doting over me, and the calm one who spent the night here to make sure I was going to be okay. I’m left perplexed.
    “I was pretty pissed last night, Nick. I came close to snapping the bastard’s neck.” I can hear Travis inhale a large breath then exhale slowly in an effort to calm himself down. I can feel his tension whirling around me. “I have the full report on who did what, but I figured before I snapped any necks, you’d want to decide their fate.”
    I’d hate to piss this man off. The tone of his words seem to hold serious promise, like he snaps necks every day and doesn’t blink an eye. He sounds so ruthless and cutthroat, and my heart rate speeds up, wondering how merciless he will be with me if I don’t walk his line . How can he sound so soft and calm one second, and then turn his emotions around on a dime, portraying a callous, brutal killer the next? The thought sends a shiver down my spine.
    “Damn right, I want to handle this personally. The bastard’s mine,” Nick says with seething disdain. “This one here…she’s a special one. They knew she was to be handled with kid gloves. It’s inexcusable; they had strict orders, someone messed up, and now they’re going to pay.”  
    I don’t get why these guys are so pissed; they are,
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