Bloodless Knights

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Book: Bloodless Knights Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melissa Lynn Strasburg
her side, making it look like
it was knocked away. I sat over her and pretended to cut her throat. She laid still
but said, “Go get thy horse, and hurry before anyone comes over.”
can I trust ye will stay here?” I leaned close to her, pretending to examine
her for breath. I stared into her grass-green eyes and when she spoke I
believed her: “I’m not going anywhere.”
stood, picked up her helmet from the ground and pulled it over her head. I
kicked dirt at her for good measure to gratify the “nobody” who was watching
and hurried toward the Lists to find Flash.  It was approaching mid-afternoon.
I knew if I didn’t appear at evening prayers my father would send out my own
army to find me.
filled my heart when I approached the fairgrounds and saw my squire and my
horse. Jadorion was brushing Flash’s coat as the horse happily munched on oats.
Jadorion looked toward me with a puzzled inquiry then dropped the brush and ran
my direction. Many others were milling around the grounds, some expressions
said people still didn’t understand what had happened at the tournament. I
didn’t want to cause a scene but everyone’s eyes seemed to follow Jadorion as
he ran. Others focused their attention to me; smiling, or glaring, depending on
what they knew about the situation.
Are ye alright? Ye took such a beating from the joust then with that giant
dragon coming toward ye, ya must’ve been scared right outta yourn wits!”
Jadorion’s eyes were wide as he recounted the day’s events. I reached under the
breast plate of my arm, grabbed the bunched edges of my tunic, and pulled it
tight. I held up my right hand, shaking my head to stop his banter. I sternly
looked him square in his round, childish face.
calm down. I am fine and everything else is going to be fine too. I need to
take Flash for a while. There’s a problem I need to take care of. I need thee
to go to my home and light the fireplace; I will be returning there tonight.
Also, clean the barn and be sure there is fresh hay for Flash. The bunk room
shall be cleaned as well. I need that all done right now. Then ye are free to
retire for the evening. I will see thee bright and early for prayers. Dost thou
understand?” Jadorion nodded his head and took off running toward my home. I
felt slight guilt taking Flash from his much-loved brushing, but I knew if I
didn’t return to Vivian before someone found her that my plan would probably
not work.
carried me to Vivian as fast as I knew he could. She was still lying amidst the
yellow pansies, exactly as I left her. When I told her it was just me, she
thanked God and then told me to throw her over the back of my horse. As I
reached for her, I was surprised that a tiny woman as herself weighed so much;
even wearing full armor I didn’t think she should have been as heavy as she
was. I heaved her atop the horse and looked at her face. Her ivory skin glowed
in the sun. My hand felt an urge to touch her smooth cheek, but my brain told
it to stay put.
ye grant one request for me?” Vivian’s eyes snapped open causing me to jump
back. “Please take me to my camp. I would like to tell my crew that I’m okay
and that they can go home. They’re probably worried sick.”
m’lady. It’s too risky. If someone sees thee, then it will all be over and the
king will have thee hanged. I just can’t let that happen.” I made sure Vivian
was secured to the back of Flash, then got atop his back and rode the opposite
direction I came. There was no way I was going to let my father hang this
please. I’ve agreed to all thou hast asked me and haven’t complained. I knowest
ye owe me naught, but I must tell my people that I’m alright or they will worry
and hunt for me.” Vivian’s voice went many octaves up and down as the horse
galloped. It reminded me of the hiccups that rattled me as a young man. I felt
a tug on my heart and realizing that she was
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