Blood Redemption

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Book: Blood Redemption Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tessa Dawn
“I understand, Sentinel. I do. Let me go.” Her voice was insistent.
    Ramsey slowly released her. “Stay away from the bars,” he warned.
    The woman nodded several times and then immediately headed toward the cell, flanked
     by both Ramsey and his brother Santos, the long, flowing ruffles of her knee-length
     skirt rustling as she walked. She stopped just short of the bars, raised her gaze
     to appraise the prisoner, and then gasped in surprise, both hands flying up to her
     cheeks. “Oh, my gods,” she whispered, her kind eyes brimming with tears. “It is you.”
    Saber rotated on the cot nervously and glared at the gawking woman. “Who the hell
     are you?” he barked defensively.
    She smiled, her narrow cheeks softening with joy. “I’m…I am your mother…Lorna.”
    Her voice was barely audible, but Saber heard her clearly. He recoiled and shuffled
     back on the cot, and then his eyes shifted to Ramsey and flashed with anger. “Get
     this woman out of my face!”
    The female paled, but she held her ground. “It’s okay,” she said to Ramsey as he held
     out a hand, prepared to escort her out of the room. “Give us some space.”
    Ramsey eyed Santos warily, and the two took a slight step back, maybe about an inch.
    “Sabino,” she whispered, measuring him quickly from head to toe. “How are you? Are
     you in pain? Do you need anything?”
    Saber chuckled loud and haughtily then, his dark, angry eyes narrowing with contempt.
     “What the hell do you want?”
    “Just to…” She had to stop and collect herself. “Just to see you, to know that you’re
    Saber shrugged and rolled his eyes, amplifying his disgust. “Well, there you go. Alive
     and well and living above the surface in Dark Moon Vale.” His lips twitched, and he
     didn’t bother to conceal a hint of fangs. “As for all this mother-son bullshit, let
     me make this easy on you, okay ? You’re not my mother.” He smiled a wicked, incorrigible
     grin. “My mother was a slab of meat on a sacrificial stone that gave my father hours and hours of pleasure before he killed her. You are just a scrawny, misguided
     female who doesn’t belong here. Now get out.” He released his fangs fully and slowly
     licked his lips. “Before I get…ugly.”
    Lorna drew back in surprise and visibly swallowed her fear. As her face melted with
     disappointment, she brushed a single tear from her eye and shook her head. “I’m sorry,”
     she mewled, “I just—”
    “Look, woman; what part of get out—”
    The ground beneath the cot rumbled, and the air grew dense with fury, both occurrences
     cutting Saber off in midsentence; and then a tall, formidable-looking male strode
     into the guard room with long, measured strides. He stepped all the way up to the
     bars and glared at Saber with murderous contempt in his eyes. “Watch your mouth, boy!”
    “Rafael, don’t!” Lorna exclaimed, placing her open palm on the male’s chest to restrain
    Saber stood up and approached the bars. Far be it from him to retreat from a challenge.
     If this fool wanted to play, then so be it. He was just about to release his claws
     and swipe at the warrior’s jugular, certain he could move faster than the old geezer
     could get out of the way, when he caught a really good look at the male’s face. The
     visage brought him up short.
    Saber’s jaw parted. And his brow furrowed in disbelief.
    The male before him was about six feet tall. He had cropped black hair and deep, dark
     eyes the color of coal, but what really stood out were his features: His nose was
     straight and prominent with an ever so slightly rounded ridge on the end, just like
     Saber’s; and the vicious look of contempt on his face, the snarl that tugged only
     at the upper corner of his right, top lip, was an exact match to the snarl Saber had
     seen in the mirror a dozen times before.
    Saber Alexiares was staring into his own reflection, and no one with two eyes in
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