Blood Redemption

Blood Redemption Read Online Free PDF

Book: Blood Redemption Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tessa Dawn
much going on.”
    “And email or text?” Vanya asked, her voice taking on a slight note of chiding.
    “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. Still not my favorite modes of communication.”
    “No,” Vanya agreed, “I suppose they aren’t mine, either.” She flashed back to Ciopori’s
     recent words. “But this Dark One, you say he survived an execution by sun? How is
     such a thing even possible?”
    Ciopori whistled low beneath her breath, sounding a bit like her brother-in-law Nathaniel.
     “Because, as it turns out, he wasn’t really born to the house of Jaegar.” She quickly
     explained all they had discovered since that morning, while Vanya sat in stunned silence.
    “Wow…I hardly know what to say,” Vanya finally said.
    “I know,” Ciopori agreed. “It’s bizarre to say the least.”
    “I imagine Napolean has his hands full then.”
    Ciopori grew silent, as if unsure about how to proceed. They both knew that it was
     a touchy subject: Vanya and Napolean had shared a brief but very intense…connection
     …before the king had found his destiny ; and there would always be a special place in Vanya’s heart for the ancient male,
     independent of his position as ruler of the house of Jadon.
    Finally, when the silence had lingered to the point of becoming awkward, Vanya said,
     “Well, I don’t see how that places either of us in jeopardy, let alone myself. I’m
     sure I will have nothing at all to do with this…new member of the house of Jadon.”
    “Of course not,” Ciopori agreed. “I just…the thought of us keeping him alive, perhaps
     allowing him to move in and out of the valley—among our people at some point—it just
     really causes me concern. I mean, how will we ever trust him? And if we have to kill
     him…his poor parents. They will lose him twice.”
    “Indeed,” Vanya said, feeling more than a little sympathy for all the players involved.
     How much hurt, suffering, and pain had been caused by one act of selfishness? “His
     mother must be so relieved…scared yet hopeful. Appalled .” She closed her eyes and said a gentle prayer to Andromeda, the goddess who had
     birthed six sons in Greek legend: Please, if it is your will, touch the hearts of this family and redeem the soul of this lost one; surely, his life must still have value … to someone.
    Just then, an odd tingling sensation settled against her breast, and her heart skipped
     a beat. She shook it off, thinking perhaps the goddess had heard her prayer. “Now
     then,” she said to Ciopori, “I won’t hear another word of it. I have complete faith
     in our warriors and the benevolence of the gods. Whatever is happening with this poor,
     misguided male has nothing to do with me or our family, so I will not hear another
     word of it. I will see you on the morrow, yes?”
    Vanya could practically envision Ciopori’s smile as her warmth radiated through the
     phone. “Yes,” Ciopori agreed. “I will have your room ready, and I can’t wait to see
    “Very well, to my uneventful homecoming then.”
    “To your much anticipated homecoming,” Ciopori corrected. With that, she hung up the

    It was late Sunday night, nearly 11:15 PM, when the outer door to the Chamber of Sacrifice
     and Atonement flew open, crashing into the wall behind it, and a short, diminutive
     woman with medium brown hair and the most compassionate dark brown eyes Saber had
     ever seen flew through the threshold. She stumbled into the guard-check area, barely
     catching her footing as she stopped between the chamber and Saber’s cell.
    Ramsey intercepted her immediately. “Whoa, wait a minute, Lorna. Slow down.” He restrained
     her by her arms, his broad chest and wide shoulders blocking her view of the prisoner.
     “This isn’t the boy you remember.”
    The female struggled mightily to break free, rocking back and forth from one foot
     to another in a desperate attempt to get a glimpse beyond the warrior’s shoulders.
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